1.2: Printing enhancements

Version 1.2 has a number of enhancements to the PrintManager for more customized printing.

As a quick summary, I’ll list the new features:

  • Added PrintManager.Bounds property, to specify what region of the model to print
  • Added PrintManager.Parts property, to specify a collection of Parts to print
  • Added PrintManager.PageOptions property and PrintPageOptions enum
  • Added PrintManager.BackgroundTemplate and ForegroundTemplate properties, DataTemplates that allow you to customize what is printed on each page
  • Added PrintManager.PageInfo class; each page template is data-bound to a PageInfo describing the currently printing page
But for more details and illustrations, it's better to read the Printing section in GoXamIntro.

Hello Walter. Is Version 1.2 available ? I am using

Not quite yet…
For now, try the beta kit at: 1.2 beta