All of my GoBasicNodes are of the same size. When the mouse pointer is over the area around the node’s label, it changes into a hand and I can drag to create a link. How do I control this area to be as narrowed as a few points from the edges?
Everything that isn’t “Label” is port for starting a link.
You can steal the logic from HollowRectangle in SwimLane (from NodeLinkDemo) and apply it to a GoPort, like this:
public class BigCenterBasicNode : GoBasicNode {
protected override GoPort CreatePort() {
// create a Port, which knows how to make sure
// connected GoLinks have a reasonable end point
GoPort p = new HollowPort();
p.Style = GoPortStyle.Ellipse; // black circle/ellipse
// use custom link spots for both links coming in and going out
p.FromSpot = GoObject.NoSpot;
p.ToSpot = GoObject.NoSpot;
p.Size = new SizeF(7, 7);
return p;
public class HollowPort : GoPort {
public override bool ContainsPoint(PointF p) {
RectangleF r = this.Bounds;
r.Inflate(-this.PickMargin, -this.PickMargin);
if (r.Contains§) return false;
return base.ContainsPoint§;
public float PickMargin {
get { return myPickMargin; }
set {
float old = myPickMargin;
if (old != value) {
myPickMargin = value;
Changed(ChangedPickMargin, 0, null, MakeRect(old), 0, null, MakeRect(value));
public override void ChangeValue(GoChangedEventArgs e, bool undo) {
switch (e.SubHint) {
case ChangedBounds:
base.ChangeValue(e, undo);
case ChangedPickMargin: this.PickMargin = e.GetFloat(undo); break;
default: base.ChangeValue(e, undo); break;
public const int ChangedPickMargin = GoDocument.LastHint + 414;
private float myPickMargin = 5;
Thanks Jake. Your solution works great!