About Table Rotation

Screen Recording 2021-08-01 at 10.50.22 AM

I want fix this, how can i do? , the my code is

$go(go.Node, "Auto",
	{ locationSpot: go.Spot.TopLeft, rotatable: true, rotateObjectName: "TABLE" },  // to support rotation	 
		{ name: "TableFrame", strokeWidth: 1.5, strokeJoin: "round", strokeCap: "round", fill: "white" },
		$go(go.Panel, "Table", {
			defaultColumnSeparatorStroke: "gray",
			defaultRowSeparatorStroke: "gray",
		}, .....

Don’t set rotateObjectName?

after remove rotateObjectName rotate works just fine.
but resize the col or row it offset is centered, look, it much different of
Resizing Rows and Columns in a Table Panel this sample.
Screen Recording 2021-08-02 at 11.44.50 AM

if we set back the locationSpot: go.Spot.TopLeft then I rotate the another problem i occur look the mouse point around.
Screen Recording 2021-08-02 at 11.37.59 AM

Set Part.rotationSpot too?

works! thank you, walter.