Activate draw link only on border of NodeShape not the whole area

is there a way to activate draw link only on border of NodeShape not the whole area.
For eg:
current scenario hand cursor is coming for all the area except the textblock area

what i want to achieve is that the hand cursor should come only on the border of the node shape:

thanks in advance

The easiest thing would be to change the Margin on the TextBlock to Padding:

    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Data.Text, Mode=TwoWay}"
               TextWrapping="Wrap" Padding="10" Cursor="Arrow"
               go:Node.LinkableFrom="False" go:Node.LinkableTo="False"

That decreases the “linkable” area within the Node by expanding the area of the TextBlock.

But if you really wanted the stroke to be “linkable” but not the filled area of the Shape, I suggest you use another Shape that is not LinkableFrom or LinkableTo.