As electric charge for treelayout


I use treelayout with two relation types. (as in your familyTree).

Here, this is the image of what i obtain :

In fact, the relation “orange” is not visible by default, then it is complicated for user to understand that the node “criteres” is placed because of the orange link.

Rather than I would like that “criteres” still placed as a child of “title4”, and the orange relation is then longer. Is it possible ?


I think you might be able to customize your TreeLayout by ignoring the orange link.

You do that by customizing the TreeNetwork that the TreeLayout operates on.

public class CustomLayout : TreeLayout { public override TreeNetwork MakeNetwork(IEnumerable<Node> nodes, IEnumerable<Link> links) { var net = base.MakeNetwork(nodes, links); net.RemoveLink(... the orange <b>Link</b> ...); return net; } }
You may want to generalize this to remove all of the links that cross trees.

An alternative way of doing that, if you can identify such “orange” links ahead of time, is to annotate it with go:Part.LayoutId=“None”.

That will keep the Link from being considered in any layout.


The second approach do what i need.
