Can I add control points to link?

I think you misunderstood.
Plz see this video:
In your demo (clickInsertsPoint), when I insert a point, reshape link and delete the point, the link ports remains in the same position instead of going back to initial location.
It should go back to initial location so the link should be shortest.

I’d like to same feature as this video:
See? In funnelytics, link ports position get refreshed when I deleted a point.

I suppose if afterwards there are only two points in the route you could call Link.invalidateRoute. Link | GoJS API

But presumably you would not want to do that if you removed a point in the middle of the route.

I tried invalidateRoute() but it didn’t work at all.
Plz send me code snippet which works exactly like funnelytics.

Again, in below demo, deleting a point in the middle of the route doesn’t make link rearranged to be shortest between 2 nodes.
Minimal GoJS Sample
You can confirm in this video:

I don’t like this. So I want same behavior as in this funnelytics video:

How to do this?
Link.invalidateRoute() doesn’t work.
Plz help.

It works when I try it:

              e.diagram.commit(function(diag) {
                link.points = pts;
                if (pts.count < 3) link.invalidateRoute();
              }, "deleted point from link route");

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