Change location of node

I have follow diagram, in which i want to change the Y location of node with id 101 (I draw node id above the node) to be the same as node id 1.
By doing this, I want to achieve that the connection “to” link (where node with id 101) will be at the same height as “from” link (where located node with id 1).
In other worlds, I want to change this:

To be like this:

This is my diagram:

<go:Diagram x:Name="myDiagram"   Margin="10" AllowCopy="True" AllowDelete="True"           UnloadingClearsPartManager="False"  Grid.Row="0" Background="White"    
            SelectedNode ="{Binding SelectedNode,Mode=TwoWay}"
            AllowMove="False" AllowUndo="False"
            GroupTemplate="{DynamicResource GroupTemplate1}"
            NodeTemplateDictionary="{DynamicResource  NodeTemplates}"
            LinkTemplate="{DynamicResource  linkTemplate1}"
                    MouseLeftButtonUp="myDiagram_MouseLeftButtonUp"   ContextMenuOpening="ContextMenu_ContextMenuOpening"  >
            <ContextMenuService.ContextMenu >
                <ContextMenu Opened="ContextMenu_Opened" x:Name="emptyFieldCopyContextMenu">

                    <MenuItem Header="Copy" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Height="24" Command="{Binding Path=CopyEventCommand,Mode=TwoWay}" CommandParameter="Copy" />

                <go:PrintManager Scale="NaN" />

                <go:TreeLayout Angle="0"   Alignment="CenterChildren" TreeStyle="Layered"  Compaction="None"  AlternateCompaction="None"  >
                <go:LayoutManager Animated="False"    />
                <go:DraggingTool DropOntoEnabled="True" />
  var n1 = myDiagram.PartManager.FindNodeByKey(1);
  var n101 = myDiagrfam.PartManager.FindNodeByKey(101);
  n101.Location = new Point(n101.Location.X, n1.Location.Y);

All within a transaction, of course, if it isn’t already.