I am evaluating Gosilverlight component. I have taken LinkDemo example from the source code provided and I want to change the color of the link selected when a new link is selected from the combo box:ArrowHeadChanged
here is the code of this event: ArrowHeadChanged
// Handles any change in ArrowBox by changing SelectedLink.Data.ArrowheadShape
private void ArrowheadChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (myDiagram.SelectedLink == null) return;
MyLinkData mld = (MyLinkData)myDiagram.SelectedLink.Data as MyLinkData;
if (mld != null) {
try {
var entry = (KeyValuePair<String, String>)ShapeBox.SelectedItem;
mld.ArrowheadShape = entry.Value;
} catch (Exception) {}
Now here I want to change the color of the link selected,so i have used Color property of mld and setting to Green. But still i could not see the link 's color is changed....!
Can anyone help me out by saying where is the wrong and how can I change the color of any node/link when selected in this example?
Thanks & Regards