Let me rephrase this question. In a forum post https://forum.nwoods.com/t/how-to-expand-nodes-size-dynamically-when-the-text-in-its-textblock-is-being-entered/8253/3?u=mickey you gave us solution for text editing but that solution has bug with keeping previous text in TextEdited event. No matter what event we use (diagram or textblock) the old value is the same as new one. So I can’t check if value has been changed or not. I want to avoid call to backend to update value when it is not changed and that’s why I need to compare previous text with current text. But we also need editor to behave in a way that has been described in post I’m referring. And looking at the custom editor code i don’t have a clue what is responsible for that. I don’t have knowledge of GoJS internals so I need your help to find out.
Thank you.