Diagram Print Preview


I am analysing this component, because we need to buy some Business Process Modeling component… ( WPF )

And I am stydind GOXam Wpf component.

We will neet PrintPreview, Print… and a lot of things. I would like to know if in beta, is there a Print Preview, and hot to do it?
I inserted PrintManager as you can see, but I don´t know how to print preview and Print my diagram…

    <go:Diagram x:Name="myDiagram" Grid.Column="2" Padding="10" VerticalContentAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"
            NodeTemplateDictionary="{StaticResource NodeTemplateDictionary}" LinkTemplate="{StaticResource LinkTemplate}" >
            <go:PrintManager ForegroundTemplate="{StaticResource PrintBorderTemplate}" Margin="30 70 30 70" />

GoWPF does have a lot of support for customized printing, but it does not include support for print preview.

Hi Walter

We need a solution for the print preview, we want to see and print a bounded area and not selected nodes. Using the WPF standard dialog or not.
How can this be done?

How about something even better than a standard print-preview dialog?

People often want to see where page boundaries occur, and manually move nodes so that they don’t cross page breaks.

The following topic describes how to do this: in-place print preview. Sorry for not updating this older topic to refer to the newer one.