EnumValue.Default is not a valid geometryStretch

The solution may just be to re-implement your Diagram component(s) to use the new Composition API.

Could you please share with me any example if you have ??

I just gave you a sample that uses an SFC using the Composition API.

You are talking about the sample which you shared with me over an email?

Yes, in a ZIP file.

Hi,I convert the javascript proxy into array of object. But still getting the same error.

Here , i have created local variable and convert this proxy variable into array but still getting same issue

const nod = this.callGraph.nodeDataArray;
const rawNodeDataArray = toRaw(nod);
const link = this.callGraph.linkDataArray;
const rawLinkDataArray = toRaw(link);

  this.myDiagram.model = $(go.GraphLinksModel, {
    copiesArrays: true,
    copiesArrayObjects: true,
    linkFromPortIdProperty: "fromPort",
    linkToPortIdProperty: "toPort",
    nodeDataArray: rawNodeDataArray,
    linkDataArray: rawLinkDataArray,

I suggest that you first figure out those first exception(s) before worrying about that internal Vue error.

Can you tell me how i can define diagram variable as non-reactive??

I have shared with you code above.

All references to instances of Diagram, Node, Link, etc must be non-reactive. It is important that no data have references to any diagram objects.

In the code I gave you:

const diagram = ref(null)

onMounted(function() {
  const $ = go.GraphObject.make;

  const myDiagram =
    new go.Diagram(diagram.value, . . .);

  myDiagram.nodeTemplate = . . .
  <div ref="diagram" class="goDiagram"></div>

the “myDiagram” variable is just a regular JavaScript variable with a regular reference to an instance of a Diagram.