Hi, to all
I have GoLabeledLink with beizer style. User may move label, but it move some wrong. What I do wrong? Looks that:
The control points for a Bezier style stroke don’t fall on the line. That’s not a GoDiagram thing, that’s just how Beziers work.
You could try this approach: http://www.nwoods.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=2095Can do that All points will curve GoLabeledLink with Beizer style?
Thank you
Sorry, I don’t understand the question.
I would guess that you need to modify the LinkLabelConnectionPoint to return a Point computed from calling GoStroke.GetNearestIntersectionPoint.
The existing code assumes the stroke’s (i.e. the GoLabeledLink.RealLink’s) GoStroke.Style is not GoStrokeStyle.Bezier.
GoStroke.GetNearestIntersectionPoint return only [start] and [end] point. May I do some like that. There red line, it`s what I want to do.
I don`t know how do it. Please, help me!
Implement the LinkLabelConnectionPoint to be the result of the GoLabeledLink.RealLink.GetNearestIntersectionPoint, passing it the center of the LinkLabel and the center of the RealLink.
Basically you’ll be ignoring the segment index and percentage associated with the LinkLabel.
Thank you Walter your reply realy help me. When I moving GoLabeledLink its look bad <br /><img src="UserUploads/20080603_102015_23.PNG" border="0" /> <br />I
m underline its with red. It
s do, because can`t be redrawn. How be here?
That looks like a update problem, where there is an override of GoObject.Paint without the corresponding correct implementation of GoObject.ExpandPaintBounds.
Are you using the implementation of LinkLabel that came from the Processor sample? If so, I would have thought that that implementation overrides both Paint and ExpandPaintBounds correctly. Are the only two things you have changed to that sample LinkLabel class the initialization of the Style to be GoStrokeStyle.Bezier, and the implementation of the LinkLabelConnectionPoint?
Also it occurs to me that using GetNearestIntersectionPoint going to the Center of the stroke isn’t the best thing. What you really want is GetNearestPoint, but GoObject and GoShape do not provide such a method.
Yes, I get from Processor sample. And after your reply LinkLabel class looks that
Public Interface IvSyncGoLinkLabel
ReadOnly Property LinkLabelConnectionPoint() As PointF
'Property Offset() As SizeF
'Property Segment() As Integer
'Property SegmentPercentage() As Single
'Property LinkResizing() As Boolean
End Interface
<System.Serializable()> Public Class vSyncGoTaskLabel
Inherits GoText
Implements IvSyncGoLinkLabel
'Public Const ChangedOffset As Integer = LastChangedHint + 3214
'Public Const ChangedSegment As Integer = LastChangedHint + 3215
'Public Const ChangedSegmentPercentage As Integer = LastChangedHint + 3216
Public Const ChangedConnectionColor As Integer = LastChangedHint + 3217
'Private myOffset As SizeF = New SizeF(0, 0)
'Private mySegment As Integer = 3
'Private mySegmentPercentage As Single = 50
Private myConnectionColor As Color = Color.Gray
'Private fLinkResizing As Boolean = True
Sub New()
Me.Alignment = GoObject.MiddleCenter
Me.Copyable = False
Me.Deletable = False
Me.Selectable = True
Me.Editable = True
Me.Movable = True
'Me.Text = “label”
Me.TextColor = Color.DarkBlue
Me.FontSize = 8.5
Me.FamilyName = “Arial”
Me.TransparentBackground = False
End Sub
Public Overrides Sub Paint(ByVal g As Graphics, ByVal view As GoView)
Dim l As GoLabeledLink = Me.LabeledLink
Dim c As Color = Me.ConnectionColor
'If Not Me.LinkResizing Then
If (Not (l Is Nothing) AndAlso Not (c.Equals(Color.Empty))) Then
Dim Pen As Pen = New Pen©
Dim cp As PointF = Me.LinkLabelConnectionPoint
Dim Center As PointF = Me.Center
GoShape.DrawLine(g, view, Pen, Center.X, Center.Y, cp.X, cp.Y)
End If
'End If
MyBase.Paint(g, view)
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ExpandPaintBounds(ByVal rect As RectangleF, ByVal view As GoView) As RectangleF
Dim c As Color = Me.ConnectionColor
rect = MyBase.ExpandPaintBounds(rect, view)
If (Not c.Equals(Color.Empty)) Then
Dim cp As PointF = Me.LinkLabelConnectionPoint
rect = RectangleF.Union(rect, New RectangleF(cp.X, cp.Y, 2, 2))
End If
Return rect
End Function
Public Overrides Sub DoMove(ByVal view As Northwoods.Go.GoView, ByVal origLoc As System.Drawing.PointF, ByVal newLoc As System.Drawing.PointF)
MyBase.DoMove(view, origLoc, newLoc)
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property LinkLabelConnectionPoint() As PointF Implements IvSyncGoLinkLabel.LinkLabelConnectionPoint
Dim l As GoLabeledLink = Me.LabeledLink
Dim r As PointF
l.RealLink.GetNearestIntersectionPoint(Me.Center, l.RealLink.Center, r)
Return r
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property LabeledLink() As GoLabeledLink
Return CType(Me.Parent, GoLabeledLink)
End Get
End Property
'Public Property Offset() As SizeF Implements IvSyncGoLinkLabel.Offset
’ Get
’ Return myOffset
’ End Get
’ Set(ByVal Value As SizeF)
’ Dim old As SizeF = myOffset
’ If Not (old.Equals(Value)) Then
’ myOffset = Value
’ Changed(ChangedOffset, 0, Nothing, MakeRect(old), 0, Nothing, MakeRect(Value))
’ End If
’ End Set
'End Property
'Public Property Segment() As Integer Implements IvSyncGoLinkLabel.Segment
’ Get
’ Return mySegment
’ End Get
’ Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
’ Dim old As Integer = mySegment
’ If Not (old = Value) Then
’ mySegment = Value
’ Changed(ChangedSegment, old, Nothing, NullRect, Value, Nothing, NullRect)
’ End If
’ End Set
'End Property
'Public Property SegmentPercentage() As Single Implements IvSyncGoLinkLabel.SegmentPercentage
’ Get
’ Return mySegmentPercentage
’ End Get
’ Set(ByVal Value As Single)
’ Dim old As Single = mySegmentPercentage
’ If Not (old = Value) Then
’ mySegmentPercentage = Value
’ Changed(ChangedSegmentPercentage, 0, Nothing, MakeRect(old), 0, Nothing, MakeRect(Value))
’ End If
’ End Set
'End Property
Public Property ConnectionColor() As Color
Return myConnectionColor
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Color)
Dim old As Color = myConnectionColor
If Not (old.Equals(Value)) Then
myConnectionColor = Value
Changed(ChangedConnectionColor, 0, old, NullRect, 0, Value, NullRect)
End If
End Set
End Property
Walter, please help me, how right solve problem with update
Here are the two updated methods in LinkLabel.cs:
[code] public override RectangleF ExpandPaintBounds(RectangleF rect, GoView view) {
GoLabeledLink l = this.LabeledLink;
Color c = this.ConnectionColor;
rect = base.ExpandPaintBounds(rect, view);
if (l != null && c != Color.Empty) {
rect = RectangleF.Union(rect, l.Bounds);
return rect;
public PointF LinkLabelConnectionPoint {
get {
GoLabeledLink l = this.LabeledLink;
if (l != null && l.RealLink != null) {
GoLink rl = l.RealLink;
PointF result;
rl.GetNearestIntersectionPoint(this.Center, rl.Center, out result);
return result;
} else {
return this.Center;
And in FlowLink.cs:
[code] public FlowLink() {
this.AdjustingStyle = GoLinkAdjustingStyle.Stretch;
//this.Orthogonal = true;
//this.AvoidsNodes = true;
this.Style = GoStrokeStyle.Bezier;
. . .
private void PositionLinkLabel(IGoLinkLabel l, GoObject childchanged) {
if (l == null) return;
GoStroke s = this.RealLink;
PointF cp = s.Center;
if (l == childchanged) {
PointF center = childchanged.Center;
l.Offset = new SizeF(center.X - cp.X, center.Y - cp.Y);
} else {
SizeF off = l.Offset;
((GoObject)l).Center = new PointF(cp.X + off.Width, cp.Y + off.Height);
As you have already done, you can also remove the Segment and SegmentPercentage properties from LinkLabel. (And from the interface, if you should choose to keep using IGoLinkLabel, which is not necessary in any application with a single usage of the LinkLabel class).
However, I believe you really need to keep the Offset property. Otherwise it can’t remember how far away the user has dragged that LinkLabel.
Thank You, Walter! Yo are Good friend