Goxam Diagram Help?Please

Hi all,
I should develop an app. which have a diagram of goxam .In diagram there should be parent nodes , and when user collapse the parent user, the nodes of this parent should come and list. I should take the parent and child nodes from the database. For example , A is Parent, and b,c,d is child nodes of it. I am confused, how can I do that ?How can I take the nodes from database dynamically?And the second question, how can I set mu parent object as container object ???
If you help me, I will approciate you.I have very little time.

well, you’re in the wrong forum, but this is pretty basic…

Start by reading GoXamIntro.pdf in the evaluation kit.
It sounds like you are interested in the data binding, so pay close attention to that section.
Then… look through the samples for node and behaviors most like you want, and examine the code for those samples.

there’s also some videos at http://www.nwoods.com/components/silverlight-wpf/goxam-documentation.htm that may help.

Once you’ve done that, come back with any specific questions you may have.

I have moved this topic from the GoDiagram forum.

Firstly ,thanks for your interest .Actually I am reading the documentation for a few days.
The work friends wants me to do that using the clasess they wrote.
For example ; there is continentials and countries.I should take the continentals as parent nodes.When user expands the Europe , the countries should be listed below it.There are two spesific clasess for container objects and managed objects which inherits the GraphLinksModelNodeData class. I tried to do this with binding bu it does not work .

                <go:UniversalGraphLinksModel  GroupNodePath="myContinentalsColon"  NodeKeyPath="myCountriesColon" > </go:UniversalGraphLinksModel>

There is nothing when I build it.I havent done anything at .cs side by the way.

There is web service methods which I take the data from database dynamically.I take the results to a list.

void Client_SelectContinentalsNodesCompleted(object sender, SelectContinentalsNodesCompletedEventArgs e)

continentalsList =new ObservableCollection< Continentals>();

         foreach (var continental in e.Result)


foreach (var
continental in
continentalsList )
continental.HostName as ContainerObject) ;

When I tried to do that way, it gives me the error about conversion between two clasess( Continentals &
I don’t know how to associate the GraphLinksModelNodeData and mydata which comes from database dynamically ?

How can I specifie the continentals as Container object?

I am a bit confused how can I use these classes.

Thanks for the reply again…

I realize that I am in wrong way.
I suppose, I should convert my object (which comes from database) to a GraphLinksModelNodeData object to be able to add it on diagram.
I tried to convert my object like below;

myObject =new ContainerObject();

Container object is a class which inherits GraphLinksModelNodeData. But it does not work.

How can I convert myObject to an object which can be added to diagram ???

I don’t have much time, if you help me , I will approciate you…
Thanks in advance for your replies…

You need to set the Diagram.Model.NodesSource property to be a collection of your Continental and Country objects. You probably don’t need to use GraphLinksModelNodeData. It’s best if you use a common base class for the two classes and explicitly instantiate the generic model type in code (because XAML doesn’t support that). If you can’t do that, then using the UniversalGraphLinksModel is OK. Make sure you set the GraphLinksModel.NodeKeyPath to be the name of your classes’ property that uniquely identifies and is used for references to each object.

Then you also need to set the model’s LinksSource property to be a collection of the object relationships. I’m assuming that you are using a GraphLinksModel because you have the relationships in a separate database table. Again, you probably don’t need to use GraphLinksModelLinkData. Make sure you set GraphLinksModel.LinkFromPath and LinkToPath to be the names of the link data properties that hold the foreign keys.

For both the node data and the link data, if you cannot identify specific properties with the required information (NodeKeyPath, LinkFromPath, LinkToPath), then you can override model methods to get that information from each object. But this doesn’t happen too often – it depends on how the database schema was defined.