Added Genogram sample, for showing family trees with attributes/markers on each person.
Added Serpentine sample, showing a custom layout.
Added Swim Lanes sample, showing one way to use Groups as “lanes”.
Added Sequence Diagram sample.
Improved some cases of Link JumpOvers or JumpGaps not jumping over zero-length segments.
Fixed Node.FindPort after a non-Part.VisualElement has changed its Node.PortId from the empty string to null or vice-versa.
Improved routing of AvoidsNodes Links within Groups.
Improved AvoidsNodes routing not to compute special route when default orthogonal routing does not cross over any nodes.
WPF: Ports can now be found inside Visuals that are not FrameworkElements.
Fixed the drawing of the Diagram.Background over the whole area of the bitmap produced by DiagramPanel.MakeBitmap.
Added TreeLayout.RootVertexes property, to enable specifying roots without referring to their Nodes.
Added TreePath.Default enumeration. As the value of TreeLayout.Path, the layout uses the Diagram.TreePath to decide whether edges go from the parent to the children or vice-versa.
Fixed a TreeLayout exception when routing edges with dummy vertexes.
Fixed TreeLayout ignoring some TreeVertexes that are in cycles.
Tools, Commands
Added DraggingTool.IsRealtime; when set to false, a drag inside a diagram shows a representation of the dragged parts instead of moving the dragged parts. You can customize what is shown by overriding the DraggingTool.MakeDragImage virtual method.
Added CommandHandler.ZoomFactor, to more easily control the percentage at which the IncreaseZoom and DecreaseZoom change the Diagram’s scale.
Added CommandHandler.ZoomToFit command and corresponding methods, invoked by Alt-Z. Invoke twice in a row to restore the original viewport.
Made LinkingBaseTool.FindTargetPort smarter about small values for PortGravity, and treat zero specially.
Version 2.1.2 is a bug-fix release consisting of new DLLs in ZIP files.
You will still need to install the regular version 2.1.1 kits (MSI files) to get all of the documentation and samples. Both install kits and updated DLLs are available from the evaluation download page.
Changes since v2.1.1: Parts
Fixed unintentional invalidation of link Routes during undo
Improved link routing when Route.Adjusting is LinkAdjusting.End
Version 2.1.3 is a bug-fix release consisting of new DLLs in ZIP files.
will still need to install the regular version 2.1.1 kits (MSI files)
to get all of the documentation and samples. Both install kits and
updated DLLs are available from the evaluation download page.
Changes since v2.1.2:
Fixed visibility of links connecting with non-visible offscreen member nodes when collapsing a Group that remains onscreen
Fixed CircularLayout when operating on a single node/vertex and improved some results when laying out 3 or 4 nodes/vertexes
Version 2.1.4 is a bug-fix release consisting of new DLLs in ZIP files.
You will still need to install the regular version 2.1.1 kits (MSI files) to get all of the documentation and samples. Both install kits and updated DLLs are available from the evaluation download page.
Changes since v2.1.3:
Fixed Part.GetElementBounds for Links to include link labels, to improve DiagramPanel.ComputeDiagramBounds
Fixed some cases of handles in Adornments being clipped (WPF only)
Tools, Commands
The LinkReshapingTool when dragging and end reshape handle now updates the end point of the link route so that the link appears to be pointing to the center of the port
Fixed the DraggingTool not to leave behind the temporary CopiedParts after a control-drag-and-drop if the Parts cannot be deleted
Version 2.1.5 is a bug-fix release consisting of new DLLs in ZIP files.
You will still need to install the regular version 2.1.1 kits (MSI files) to get all of the documentation and samples. Both install kits and updated DLLs are available from the evaluation download page.
Changes since v2.1.4:
Fixed visibility of Links connecting Groups to nested member Nodes after collapsing nested Group
Improved updating for data bound properties of the Diagram.GridPattern object
Fixed the DraggingTool not to leave behind the temporary CopiedParts after a control-drag-and-drop if the Parts cannot be deleted
Version 2.1.6 is a bug-fix release, although the API documentation remains from version 2.1.1. You can either install new kits at the product download page or get the latest DLL from NuGet: NuGet Gallery | Northwoods_Software
Changes since v2.1.5:
Improved link jump-overs and jump-gaps not to do so when both links connect to the same port in either direction
Fixed changes of SpotPanel attached properties to invalidate the arrangement of ContentPresenters in SpotPanels
Also fixed a regression in v2.1.4 causing some Nodes not to automatically update when model data was changed.