we have a silvelight printing problem, GoXam with Silverlight 5.
If we print in silverlight over Printmanager.Print() result is an empty Sheet with something like that: 1,2 (1x1).
If we print in WPF (same code) over Printmanger.Print(PrintDialog) the result is as expected.
What can we do?
public class PreviewingPrintManager : PrintManager
public PreviewingPrintManager(): base()
this.PageBackground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
public Brush Background { get; set; }
// Setup this Diagram.PrintManager to automatically update the "Print Grid".
public void Init(Diagram diagram)
diagram.PrintManager = this;
if (diagram.Panel != null)
diagram.TemplateApplied += (sd, ev) =>
this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(PreviewingPrintManager_Loaded);
void PreviewingPrintManager_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
private Point _Location =new Point(0,0);
public Point Location { get { return this._Location; } set { this._Location = value; this.UpdatePrintGrid(); } }
private void InitDiagram()
//if (!this.Inited)
this.Inited = true;
if (this.PrintableArea.Height ==0 || this.PrintableArea.Width==0)
this.PrintableArea = new Size(816, 1056); //??? how to get default printer page information
// get the default printer’s printable area
var dlg = new PrintDialog();
this.PrintableArea = new Size(dlg.PrintableAreaWidth, dlg.PrintableAreaHeight);
// automatically update the print grid’s position and size
//this.Diagram.Panel.DiagramBoundsChanged += (s, e) => UpdatePrintGrid();
private bool Inited { get; set; }
// Gets or sets whether the DiagramPanel.Scale determines the PrintManager.Scale,
// or whether the user can change the DiagramPanel.Scale using control-shift-mouse-wheel.
public bool AutoScales
get { return _AutoScales; }
if (_AutoScales != value)
_AutoScales = value;
private bool _AutoScales;
private void UpdateAutoScales()
Diagram diagram = this.Diagram;
if (diagram == null) return;
if (diagram.Panel == null) return;
if (this.AutoScales)
// support having the print scale be the same as the DiagramPanel.Scale
this.Diagram.Panel.ViewportBoundsChanged += HandleViewportBoundsChanged;
if (this.Diagram.DefaultTool is PrintPreviewToolManager) this.Diagram.DefaultTool = new ToolManager();
// support control-shift-mouse-wheel changing only the print scale
this.Diagram.Panel.ViewportBoundsChanged -= HandleViewportBoundsChanged;
if (!(this.Diagram.DefaultTool is PrintPreviewToolManager)) this.Diagram.DefaultTool = new PrintPreviewToolManager();
// Gets or sets whether the print-preview grid is visible
public bool IsPreviewEnabled
get { return _IsPreviewEnabled; }
if (_IsPreviewEnabled != value)
_IsPreviewEnabled = value;
private bool _IsPreviewEnabled;
private void UpdateIsPrintPreviewEnabled()
Diagram diagram = this.Diagram;
if (diagram == null) return;
if (diagram.Panel == null) return;
Node printGrid = diagram.PartsModel.FindNodeByKey("PrintGrid");
if (printGrid != null)
printGrid.Visible = this.IsPreviewEnabled;
// The size of the printed area, inside the margins, in model coordinates;
// set this to the selected printer's PrintableArea.
// This is initialized to be the default printer's PrintableArea in WPF.
// In Silverlight you must set this property.
// In WPF you should set this whenever the user chooses a different printer.
public Size PrintableArea
get { return _PrintableArea; }
if (_PrintableArea != value &&
!Double.IsInfinity(value.Width) && !Double.IsNaN(value.Width) &&
!Double.IsInfinity(value.Height) && !Double.IsNaN(value.Height))
_PrintableArea = value;
private Size _PrintableArea = new Size(0, 0);
// If you change the PrintManager.Scale, call UpdatePrintGrid() afterwwards.
private void HandleViewportBoundsChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!this.IsPreviewEnabled) return;
Diagram diagram = this.Diagram;
if (diagram == null) return;
if (diagram.Panel == null) return;
this.Scale = diagram.Panel.Scale;
private Brush _Background = null;
public Brush PageBackground { get { return this._Background; } set { this._Background = value; this.UpdatePrintGrid(); } }
private bool _LastIsPrintGridVisible;
protected override void DoPrint(System.Windows.Printing.PrintDocument pdoc)
pdoc.PrintPage += new EventHandler<System.Windows.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs>(pdoc_PrintPage);
this._LastIsPrintGridVisible = this.Diagram.GridVisible;
pdoc.EndPrint += new EventHandler<System.Windows.Printing.EndPrintEventArgs>(pdoc_EndPrint);
catch { }
void pdoc_PrintPage(object sender, System.Windows.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
//(e.PageVisual as Canvas).Children.RemoveAt(0);
//(e.PageVisual as Canvas).Children.RemoveAt(0);
void pdoc_EndPrint(object sender, System.Windows.Printing.EndPrintEventArgs e)
this.Diagram.GridVisible = this._LastIsPrintGridVisible;
// Update the position and size and CellSize of the GridPattern
// in the Node whose Id is "PrintGrid".
public void UpdatePrintGrid()
if (!this.IsPreviewEnabled) return;
Diagram diagram = this.Diagram;
if (diagram == null) return;
if (diagram.Panel == null) return;
double pw = this.PrintableArea.Width;
double ph = this.PrintableArea.Height;
Thickness m = this.Margin;
pw -= m.Left + m.Right;
ph -= m.Top + m.Bottom;
if (pw <= 0 || Double.IsNaN(pw) || ph <= 0 || Double.IsNaN(ph))
return; // can't update PrintGrid if we don't know printable area
Node printGrid = diagram.PartsModel.FindNodeByKey("PrintGrid");
if (printGrid != null)
if (((Grid)printGrid.Content).Background != _Background)
((Grid)printGrid.Content).Background = _Background;
Rect db = diagram.Panel.DiagramBounds;
double scale = this.Scale;
if (Double.IsNaN(scale) || scale <= 0 || Double.IsInfinity(scale))
scale = Math.Min(1, Math.Min(pw / db.Width, ph / db.Height));
Size eps = new Size(pw / scale, ph / scale);
GridPattern gp = printGrid.FindDescendant(e => e is GridPattern) as GridPattern;
if (gp != null)
// update the PrintGrid's position and size to cover the DiagramBounds
//if (this._Location.X > 0 || this._Location.Y > 0)
// printGrid.Location = this._Location;
//printGrid.Location = new Point(db.X, db.Y);
printGrid.Location = this._Location;
if (eps.Width >= db.Width)
gp.Width = Math.Ceiling(Math.Ceiling(db.Width / eps.Width) * eps.Width);
gp.Width = Math.Ceiling(Math.Ceiling(eps.Width / db.Width) * eps.Width);
if (eps.Height >= db.Height)
gp.Height = Math.Ceiling(Math.Ceiling(db.Height / eps.Height) * eps.Height);
gp.Height = Math.Ceiling(Math.Ceiling(eps.Height / db.Height) * eps.Height);
gp.Margin = this.Margin;
// update the PrintGrid's GridPattern's CellSize
gp.CellSize = eps;
Best regards