<SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1915”>I developed a <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1916”>toolbar, but <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1918”>encountered some <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1919”>problems, such as, panning and <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1921”>selection tool <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1922”>can not <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1923”>happen same time,but we need when panning and mouse over the node ,the node will be selected, I <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1924”>hope you <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1925”>can provide <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1926”>a standard <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1927”>toolbar, <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1929”>to provide some <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1930”>way <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1931”>to extend <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1933”>the tool <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1934”>bar. <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1936”>Which would allow <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1937”>developers <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1938”>to use <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1939”>the <SPAN =hps title=点击可显示其他翻译 closure_uid_30k4k3=“1940”>very comfortable.
Now i can let the panning and selection tool at save time by code fllow:
Diagram .AllowSelect = false;
Diagram .AllowMove = true;
Diagram .MouseMove = (obj,ee)=>{
if(VisTreeHelper.FindEle(dg.Panel.LastPoint,Diagram )!=null)
var ele = VisTreeHelper.FinEle(dg.Panel.LastPoint,Diagram ).First();
if(ele is Node)
Diagram .AllowSelect = true;
Diagram .AllowSelect = false;
The right way to get the effect that you want is to customize the tools by overriding their CanStart method.
By default the DragSelectingTool does not start if the mouse down happens on a selectable Part.
If you don’t want to support dragging parts, you can remove the Diagram.DraggingTool. Or you could override its CanStart method to return false in those situations where you don’t want to let the user select and start dragging.