The FlowChart and FlowGrammer samples demonstrate how to use a DataTemplateDictionary for the Diagram.NodeTemplateDictionary to be able to have as many kinds of node data templates as you want. You just need to change the node data’s Category to switch templates – it automatically removes the old Node and creates a new one using the new DataTemplate.
Please read about DataTemplateDictionary in the GoXamIntro.pdf document, and then look more carefully at the implementation of the FlowChart sample.
Is it possible to add node like you seen in FlowChart as well as node like ER Diagram node in the same Diagram…
Is it possible…
My requirement is i want to add oval shape,roundrectangle node as well as node like ER Diagram…in a same Diagram layout…
Please guide me…
Yes, use the different DataTemplates by using a DataTemplateDictionary, as I just suggested.
If you just want to change the figure of a shape, but don’t need to change what elements there are in a Node (such as how many ports there are), you can just set or data-bind the go:NodePanel.Figure property on the go:NodeShape (WPF or Silverlight 4) or Path (Silverlight).
Simple, non-structural changes to a part can be made without the use of multiple DataTemplates. Dramatically different kinds of nodes, such as the FlowChart Action node and the ER Diagram Entity node, really ought to use different DataTemplates. They are simpler to write and easier to maintain.