Hi Support!
I created a class to create a SubProcess object ( BPM item )… But I would like to know how to configure a image inside this object, and when resize, image will move correctly…Should I changed LayoutChildren()?
And is there a way to insert a event in image click ?
See my image as result of my class:
My Class:
public class SubProcessItem : GoSubGraphBase
private static Pen subprocessBorderPen;
private GoShape mBorder = null;
private GoButton mButton = null;
private GoText mLabel = null;
private static readonly Pen StandardPen = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
private static readonly Pen HighlightPen = new Pen(Color.Green, 1);
//This field keeps track of this process item image
private ProcessItemImage mProcessItemImage;
public SubProcessItem()
this.Initializing = true;
//Add rectangle into GoSubGraphBase
mBorder = new GoRoundedRectangle();
mBorder.Selectable = false;
if (subprocessBorderPen == null)
Pen p = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);
p.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
subprocessBorderPen = p;
mBorder.Pen = subprocessBorderPen;
mBorder.Size = new SizeF(100, 100);
//Add label
mLabel = new GoText();
mLabel.Text ="SubProcess";
mLabel.Selectable = false;
mLabel.Editable = true;
ProcessItemImage m_ProcessItemImage = new ProcessItemImage(ItemKind.SubProcess);
mProcessItemImage = m_ProcessItemImage;
this.Initializing = false;
//Override to keep fields up-to-date
protected override void CopyChildren(GoGroup newgroup, GoCopyDictionary env)
base.CopyChildren(newgroup, env);
SubProcessItem newobj = (SubProcessItem)newgroup;
newobj.mBorder = (GoShape)env[mBorder];
newobj.mLabel = (GoText)env[mLabel];
//This property is for convenience in accessing the Process Item Image class
public ProcessItemImage ProcessImage
get { return mProcessItemImage; }
//Override to keep fields up-to-date
public override bool Remove(GoObject obj)
bool result = base.Remove(obj);
if (obj == mBorder)
mBorder = null;
else if (obj == mLabel)
mLabel = null;
return result;
// Determine the smallest rectangle that encloses all of the other children of this area.
// This might return null, if there are no other objects besides the Border.
public RectangleF ComputeBorder()
RectangleF rect = RectangleF.Empty;
bool first = true;
foreach (GoObject obj in this)
if (obj == this.Border) continue;
if (obj == this.Label) continue;
if (first)
first = false;
rect = obj.Bounds;
// add the object's bounding rect to this one
rect = RectangleF.Union(rect, obj.Bounds);
if (!first)
// leave some room as a margin
rect.Inflate(4, 4);
return rect;
//Override to keep mBorder surrounding the other child objects
public override void LayoutChildren(GoObject childchanged)
if (this.Initializing)
GoObject border = this.Border;
GoObject label = this.Label;
if (childchanged == border && border != null && label != null)
RectangleF rect = border.Bounds;
label.SetSpotLocation(BottomLeft, new PointF(rect.X, rect.Y - 2));
else if (!this.AllowDragInOut)
// compute the minimum rectangle needed to enclose the children except for the Border
RectangleF rect = ComputeBorder();
if (rect != RectangleF.Empty)
// but don't have the box shrink to minimum size continuously
rect = RectangleF.Union(rect, border.Bounds);
border.Bounds = rect;
if (label != null)
this.Label.SetSpotLocation(BottomLeft, new PointF(rect.X, rect.Y - 2));
// When this property is true, OnSelectionDropped will add the selected objects to this BoxArea.
// When this property is true, you should implement a GoView.BackgroundSelectionDropped
// event handler that calls AddCollection on a document layer with the GoView.Selection.
// For dragging out of a BoxArea:
//private void goView1_BackgroundSelectionDropped(object sender, Northwoods.Go.GoInputEventArgs e) {
// GoView view = (GoView)sender;
// // see if there are any selected objects that belong to a BoxArea
// bool wasinbox = false;
// foreach (GoObject obj in view.Selection) {
// if (obj.Parent is BoxArea) {
// wasinbox = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// if (wasinbox) { // only if a selected object belonged to a BoxArea do we reparent the selection
// // add all selected objects as top-level objects in the DefaultLayer
// view.Selection.AddRange(view.Document.DefaultLayer.AddCollection(view.Selection, true));
// }
// When this property is false, there should not be a BackgroundSelectionDropped event
// handler, and this node will not support reparenting of its children -- the border
// will always surround its children.
public bool AllowDragInOut
get { return true; }
//Highlight when dragging
public override bool OnEnterLeave(GoObject from, GoObject to, GoView view)
if (from is SubProcessItem)
{ // unhighlight any BoxArea that we have left
from.SkipsUndoManager = true;
((SubProcessItem)from).Border.Pen = subprocessBorderPen;
from.SkipsUndoManager = false;
if (this.AllowDragInOut && view.Tool is GoToolDragging)
{ // only highlight when we are dragging
if (to == this)
{ // highlight this BoxArea that we are entering
this.SkipsUndoManager = true;
this.Border.Pen = HighlightPen;
this.SkipsUndoManager = false;
return true; // don't highlight parent BoxAreas, if any
return false; // continue by calling parent.OnEnterLeave
public override bool OnSelectionDropped(GoObjectEventArgs evt, GoView view)
if (this.AllowDragInOut)
// add all selected objects to this BoxArea
view.Selection.AddRange(AddCollection(view.Selection, true));
// update the border to include all selected objects in case the selection crosses the border
GoObject border = this.Border;
if (border != null)
RectangleF rect = ComputeBorder();
if (rect != RectangleF.Empty)
// but don't have the box shrink to minimum size continuously
rect = RectangleF.Union(rect, border.Bounds);
border.Bounds = rect;
return true;
return false;
// Allow the user to interactively resize the border;
// this ensures that the border surrounds all of the children.
public override void DoResize(GoView view, RectangleF origRect, PointF newPoint, int whichHandle, GoInputState evttype, SizeF min, SizeF max)
// compute rectangle for normal resizing
RectangleF newRect = ComputeResize(origRect, newPoint, whichHandle, min, max, true);
// account for the height of the Label
newRect.Y += this.Label.Height + 2;
newRect.Height -= this.Label.Height + 2;
// compute rectangle required by the child objects
RectangleF minRect = ComputeBorder();
if (minRect != RectangleF.Empty)
newRect = RectangleF.Union(newRect, minRect);
// update the bounding rect of the Border
this.Border.Bounds = newRect;
public GoShape Border
get { return mBorder; }
public GoButton Button
get { return mButton; }
public override GoText Label
get { return mLabel; }
set { }
//Don't add Lanes/Pool/SubProcess as children of this Display
public virtual bool IsAddable(GoObject obj)
if ((obj is Lane) || (obj is Pool) || (obj is SubProcessItem))
return false;
return true;
//Return a collection of objects that actually are added to this Lane
public virtual IGoCollection AddItems(IGoCollection coll)
GoCollection items = new GoCollection();
foreach (GoObject obj in coll)
if (IsAddable(obj))
if (items.IsEmpty)
return items;
IGoCollection added = AddCollection(items, false);
return added;