How to Implement Docking in GoDiagram

I am using GoDiagram.I want to customize the GoDiagram like Visual IDE where we will have solution explorer,toolbox,properties with docking(Auto Hide,show).
Is there anyway to implement docking like that.Pls give me a solution for that.
Thank you,
jai jai

Hi :¬)
As this does not conflict with GoDiagram as it does not supply docking components
I recommend (and purchased sandbar/sanddock)
cheaper vs2002/3/5 look and feel and more funtionality than my 2nd best choice
Hope this helps

Thank you, madusmacus.
Also, check out: 1

If you can wait for another week or so… I can post my docking integration code here(if Walter permits :-)).


Rami Reddy

Sure, everyone’s welcome to post code.
If the code is too long to be legible, we can put a ZIP file or a source file in our uploads directory. You can’t do that directly using this forum software, but you can send me e-mail and I can do that.

Thank you for Your valuable response.Pls post the docking integration code in the forum,so that all the members can utilize it.
Thank you,
Jai jai