How to optimize for SVG transfer

I have svg list.
I make new shape using svg paths.
But shapes is not equal.
Example images:

I use the node template:

goMake(go.Node, “Auto”, {
minLocation: new go.Point(0, 0),
locationObjectName: “Panel”,
locationSpot: go.Spot.Center,
selectable: true,
selectionAdornmentTemplate: this.nodeSelectionAdornmentTemplate,
selectionObjectName: “Panel”,
resizeObjectName: “Panel”,
resizeAdornmentTemplate: this.nodeResizeAdornmentTemplate,
resizable: true,
new go.Binding(“location”, “”, this.bindShapeLocation).makeTwoWay(this.converterShapeLocation),
new go.Binding(“isActionable”, “”, this.bindShapeLock).makeTwoWay(),
new go.Binding(“visible”, “”, this.bindNodeVisible),
goMake(go.Panel, “Auto”, {
name: “Panel”
new go.Binding(“desiredSize”, “”, this.bindShapeSize).makeTwoWay(this.converterShapeSize),
new go.Binding(“itemArray”, “”, this.bindPanelItemArray.bind(this)),
goMake(go.Panel, “Auto”,
new go.Binding(“desiredSize”, “”, this.bindPanelItemSize.bind(this)).makeTwoWay(),
goMake(go.Shape, “RoundedRectangle”,
fill: “#91E3E0”,
alignment: go.Spot.Center,
new go.Binding(“stroke”, “”, this.bindPanelItemBorderColor.bind(this)).makeTwoWay(),
new go.Binding(“fill”, “”, this.bindPanelItemColor.bind(this)).makeTwoWay(),
new go.Binding(“geometry”, “”, this.bindShapeGeometry.bind(this)),
new go.Binding(“strokeWidth”, “”, this.bindPanelItemBorderThickness.bind(this)),
new go.Binding(“strokeDashArray”, “”, this.bindPanelItemBorderType.bind(this)).makeTwoWay(),
//new go.Binding(“desiredSize”, “”, this.bindPanelItemSize.bind(this)).makeTwoWay(),

I have to use a panel to create the shape of a svg. Because i need all paths in svg

Why are you using “Auto” Panels? It’s hard to tell because you didn’t format your code nicely – please use triple backquotes before and after your code. But if you have an “Auto” Panel there had better be both the border/background object as the main element and the object(s) which should go inside the main element.

Are you using go-debug.js and checking the console window for warnings and errors?

I not use go-debug.js.
Node, panel and panel item sizes is equal.
i set alignment “” because i render nested shapes and panels.
But is not optimized shape

        goMake(go.Node, "Spot", {
            minLocation: new go.Point(0, 0),
            locationObjectName: "Panel",
            locationSpot: go.Spot.Center,
            selectable: true,
            selectionAdornmentTemplate: this.nodeSelectionAdornmentTemplate,
            selectionObjectName: "Panel",
            resizeObjectName: "Panel",
            resizeAdornmentTemplate: this.nodeResizeAdornmentTemplate,
            resizable: true,
            new go.Binding("location", "", this.bindShapeLocation).makeTwoWay(this.converterShapeLocation),
            new go.Binding("isActionable", "", this.bindShapeLock).makeTwoWay(),
            new go.Binding("visible", "", this.bindNodeVisible),
            goMake(go.Panel, "Spot", {
                name: "Panel"
                new go.Binding("desiredSize", "", this.bindShapeSize).makeTwoWay(this.converterShapeSize),
                new go.Binding("itemArray", "", this.bindPanelItemArray.bind(this)),
                        goMake(go.Panel, "Spot",
                                alignment: go.Spot.Center,
                                background: "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)"
                            //new go.Binding("desiredSize", "", this.bindPanelItemSize.bind(this)).makeTwoWay(),
                            goMake(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
                                    fill: "#91E3E0",
                                    // alignment: new go.Spot(20, 0.5) ,
                                new go.Binding("stroke", "", this.bindPanelItemBorderColor.bind(this)).makeTwoWay(),
                                new go.Binding("fill", "", this.bindPanelItemColor.bind(this)).makeTwoWay(),
                                new go.Binding("geometry", "", this.bindShapeGeometry.bind(this)),
                                new go.Binding("strokeWidth", "", this.bindPanelItemBorderThickness.bind(this)),
                                new go.Binding("strokeDashArray", "", this.bindPanelItemBorderType.bind(this)).makeTwoWay(),
                                new go.Binding("desiredSize", "", this.bindPanelItemSize.bind(this)).makeTwoWay(),

While developing you really should use go-debug.js.

I don’t understand your question or what you want. Please elaborate. Show us what’s wrong and how you want it to be instead.

ok i will try go-debug.js.
my problem is imported paths.
When I import paths, a different image appears from the original image.
Can you help me understand why?

Sure, I can try to help you understand why.

In the messages above there is a node template and two pictures.
orginal svg picture has white background.
other image converted shapes.
I read these paths with geometry string and added panes.
All shapes and node has equal size.
But there are gaps between objects. That’s exactly the problem

Just use a “Position” Panel to hold all of your Shapes, and set Shape.isGeometryPositioned to true on each of those Shapes, which helps align the middles of their strokes when the strokes have different Shape.strokeWidths.

That’s what the Tiger sample does: SVG Tiger Drawing in GoJS.

now image is so nice thanks.
if i remove size binding functions how to scale paths (shape) ?

Set GraphObject.scale or Shape.geometryStretch?

i try “Shape.geometryStretch” set “Fill”. but this state distorting the image.
if i not set “Shape.geometryStretch” image is nice. but when the user resizing node, not change shape sizes.
i want scale the shape when the user resize ?

There are lots of possibilities. Perhaps put the Position Panel inside a Viewbox Panel?

I do not know where to fix it.
can you send example for viewbox

        goMake(go.Node, "Spot", {
            minLocation: new go.Point(0, 0),
            locationObjectName: "Panel",
            locationSpot: go.Spot.Center,
            selectable: true,
            selectionAdornmentTemplate: this.nodeSelectionAdornmentTemplate,
            selectionObjectName: "Panel",
            resizeObjectName: "Panel",
            resizeAdornmentTemplate: this.nodeResizeAdornmentTemplate,
            resizable: true,
            new go.Binding("location", "", this.bindShapeLocation).makeTwoWay(this.converterShapeLocation),
            new go.Binding("isActionable", "", this.bindShapeLock).makeTwoWay(),
            new go.Binding("visible", "", this.bindNodeVisible),
            goMake(go.Panel, "Position", {
                name: "Panel"
                new go.Binding("desiredSize", "", this.bindPanelItemSize).makeTwoWay(this.converterShapeSize),
                new go.Binding("itemArray", "", this.bindPanelItemArray.bind(this)),
                        goMake(go.Panel, "Auto",

                                //background: "rgba(255,0,0,0.2)"
                                //alignment: go.Spot.Center,
                            new go.Binding("desiredSize", "", this.bindPanelItemSize).makeTwoWay(),
                            goMake(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
                                    fill: "#91E3E0",
                                    isGeometryPositioned: true,
                                new go.Binding("stroke", "", this.bindPanelItemBorderColor.bind(this)).makeTwoWay(),
                                new go.Binding("fill", "", this.bindPanelItemColor.bind(this)).makeTwoWay(),
                                new go.Binding("geometry", "", this.bindShapeGeometry.bind(this)),
                                new go.Binding("strokeWidth", "", this.bindPanelItemBorderThickness.bind(this)),
                                new go.Binding("strokeDashArray", "", this.bindPanelItemBorderType.bind(this)).makeTwoWay(),

                    verticalAlignment: go.Spot.Top,
                    margin: new go.Margin(5),
                    editable: false,  // editing the text automatically updates the model data
                    //_isNodeLabel: true,
                    name: "textBlock",
                new go.Binding("text", "", this.bindShapeText).makeTwoWay(this.converterShapeText),
                new go.Binding("stroke", "", this.bindShapeTextColor).makeTwoWay(),
                new go.Binding("font", "", this.bindShapeTextFont).makeTwoWay(),
                new go.Binding("isUnderline", "", this.bindShapeTextUnderline).makeTwoWay(),
                new go.Binding("background", "", this.bindShapeTextBackgroundColor).makeTwoWay(),
                new go.Binding("angle", "", this.bindShapeTextAngle).makeTwoWay(),
                new go.Binding("textAlign", "", this.bindShapeTextAlignment).makeTwoWay(),
                new go.Binding("desiredSize", "", this.bindShapeSize),
                new go.Binding("visible", "", this.bindShapeTextVisible),
Node, "Spot",
    Panel, "Viewbox",
        Panel, "Position",
            . . . Shapes . . .

i tried before but this error message :“Viewbox Panel cannot contain more than one GraphObject”

Check your visual tree definition more carefully. Make sure your code is indented properly. It needs to be like what I just outlined – the “Viewbox” Panel contains only one element, the “Position” Panel.

position panel is “itemTemplate” of viewbox panel.
I need another panel to do what he says
but is not true

The itemTemplate doesn’t matter for your question. Just put the Panel holding all of Shapes inside a “Viewbox” Panel.

Let’s try an easier way.
This is a simple example:


function bindGeometry(geo){
 var icons={
	    andOperatorBorder: "M83.1997944,59.3306111 L51.8283778,59.3306111 L51.8283778,54.2987361 L83.1997944,54.2987361 L83.1997944,42.0538333 L88.2316694,42.0538333 L88.2316694,89.515125 C88.2316694,92.2075373 85.9797239,94.3280764 83.2759125,94.3280764 L51.8290514,94.3280764 L51.8290514,89.2962014 L83.1997944,89.2962014 L83.1997944,59.3306111 Z",
    andOperatorMain: "M102.067238,17.0324139 L86.6886978,17.0324139 L82.5390392,20.8112985 C81.7172999,21.5552216 80.640173,21.9645944 79.5275361,21.9645944 L69.3647653,21.9645944 L69.3647653,40.2141885 L102.067238,40.2206812 L102.067238,17.0324139 Z M83.4709164,13.157027 C84.2920687,12.4108087 85.3707466,12.0005389 86.4845917,12.0005389 L102.67955,12.0005389 C105.087171,12.0005389 107.099113,13.893495 107.099113,16.3082819 L107.099113,40.9449347 C107.099113,43.3597217 105.087171,45.2526778 102.67955,45.2526778 L68.74788,45.2459396 C66.3419206,45.242855 64.3328903,43.3507888 64.3328903,40.9381986 L64.3328903,21.2404625 C64.3328903,18.8272117 66.3434522,16.9327194 68.7511056,16.9327194 L79.3247767,16.9327194 L83.4709164,13.157027 Z M48.7346167,43.4383736 L33.356077,43.4383736 L29.2064184,47.2172582 C28.3846791,47.9611813 27.3075521,48.3705542 26.1949153,48.3705542 L16.0321444,48.3705542 L16.0321444,66.6201482 L48.7346167,66.6266409 L48.7346167,43.4383736 Z M25.9921558,43.3386792 L30.1382955,39.5629867 C30.9594479,38.8167684 32.0381257,38.4064986 33.1519708,38.4064986 L49.3469292,38.4064986 C51.7545498,38.4064986 53.7664917,40.2994547 53.7664917,42.7142417 L53.7664917,67.3508944 C53.7664917,69.7656814 51.7545498,71.6586375 49.3469292,71.6586375 L15.4152592,71.6518993 C13.0092998,71.6488148 11.0002694,69.7567485 11.0002694,67.3441583 L11.0002694,47.6464222 C11.0002694,45.2331714 13.0108313,43.3386792 15.4184847,43.3386792 L25.9921558,43.3386792 Z M48.7346167,103.406212 L48.7346167,80.2179444 L33.356077,80.2179444 L29.2064184,83.9968291 C28.3846791,84.7407522 27.3075521,85.150125 26.1949153,85.150125 L16.0321444,85.150125 L16.0321444,103.399719 L48.7346167,103.406212 Z M30.1382955,76.3425575 C30.9594479,75.5963393 32.0381257,75.1860694 33.1519708,75.1860694 L49.3469292,75.1860694 C51.7545498,75.1860694 53.7664917,77.0790255 53.7664917,79.4938125 L53.7664917,104.130465 C53.7664917,106.545252 51.7545498,108.438208 49.3469292,108.438208 L15.4152592,108.43147 C13.0092998,108.428386 11.0002694,106.536319 11.0002694,104.123729 L11.0002694,84.4259931 C11.0002694,82.0127423 13.0108313,80.11825 15.4184847,80.11825 L25.9921558,80.11825 L30.1382955,76.3425575 Z",
	return go.Geometry.parse(icons[geo], true)
 function init() {
  if (window.goSamples) goSamples();  // init for these samples -- you don't need to call this
  var $ = go.GraphObject.make;

  myDiagram =
    $(go.Diagram, "myDiagramDiv",
        initialContentAlignment: go.Spot.Center,
        "undoManager.isEnabled": true,

  // A simple resizable node
  myDiagram.nodeTemplate =
    $(go.Node, "Auto",
  $(go.Panel, "Position",
    new go.Binding("itemArray", "items"),
        $(go.Panel, "Auto",
          $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle",
			        fill: "#91E3E0",
            isGeometryPositioned: true,
			        new go.Binding("geometry", "g",bindGeometry),
           // new go.Binding("fill", "c")),
  myDiagram.model = $(go.GraphLinksModel,
    nodeDataArray: [
        key: 1,
        items: [
          { t: "", c: "orange",g:"andOperatorBorder" },
		         { t: "", c: "orange",g:"andOperatorMain" }
    linkDataArray: [

There is a method used to generate the shape inside.
how do i scaling of shapes when node resizing ?

The first question you should ask yourself is: what do I want users to resize, and do I want objects to be clipped or squeezed/stretched?

Do you want each element of the Node to change size, or just some of them?

Things to consider are setting Part.resizeObjectName and whether to set GraphObject.stretch.