Hyper - Link in SVG

Hi all,
I created a SVG image from my JGo-based application. I want to know if there is a way to make or put in the SVG result hyper-link (like : http:/www.yahoo.com) ?
Thanks in advance

Did you use the SVGGoView to create the SVG image from your application? If so, I don’t know how to add your elements or attributes to the generated SVG because it is simply using the Batik library to reproduce everything drawn to the Graphics2D object associated with the JGoView as SVG. The SVG generated by this technique is very accurate but hard to modify.
If you use the DefaultDocument.SVGWriteDoc() method to generate your output SVG you will be able to add additional elements and attributes by overriding SVGWriteObject() method in your subclasses of existing JGoObjects.

Did you use the SVGGoView to create the SVG image from your application? If so, I don’t know how to add your elements or attributes to the generated SVG because it is simply using the Batik library to reproduce everything drawn to the Graphics2D object associated with the JGoView as SVG. The SVG generated by this technique is very accurate but hard to modify.
If you use the DefaultDocument.SVGWriteDoc() method to generate your output SVG you will be able to add additional elements and attributes by overriding SVGWriteObject() method in your subclasses of existing JGoObjects.

Hi ,
I am using the batik methods ....
Is there any way to "draw" a hyper-link into my SVG image?