initialAutoScale with redux and react diagram

Hmm, it occurred to me to test in incognito to eliminate the possible of my react/angular extensions messing with it, and it’s much more predictable there.

In incognito, it always fails the first time I navigate to the page, but subsequent refreshes work fine.

So open incognito, paste in url (http://localhost:8000/?id=988fd7f6-e248-4452-9d1e-93936d3c1cab) → loads incorrectly zoomed. hit refresh, works correctly.

hit back button to go back to blank chrome start page, then forward again → loads incorrectly. hit refresh, loads correctly.

this is the case 90% of the time. Very occasionally the first load also works fine.

Any chance you could give us a “simple” example that demonstrates the problem?

Okay, you guys are off the hook. After several hours of debugging with an internal component dev, it looks like there’s some function calls that hold up the rendering of one of my common component parents, and while that rendering is in it’s <Suspense>, it’s size is returning 1x1. All of the rendering we’re trying to do is happening during that.

As a workaround, I’m lazy loading the diagram based on a boolean that watches the parent div for a resize, and that appears to have fixed it. Thank you guys for the help!