Insert a diagram into a Text

I would like to insert a view-only and scaled JGo diagram into a report using JTextPane so that the diagram fits nicely on a report page. The diagram is created on a JGoView. I would appreciate any help?

Are you using a particular EditorKit? Did you want a JGoView to implement a document Element?
That functionality isn’t in the kit; I’m not confident that any of us have tried to implement it, either.

I simply use a JTextPane to view a document of text mostly. I can insert a copy of JGoView as an attribute into the Document. But I don’t think that is an efficient way for the job.
I simply want to create either an scalable image or a scalable diagram of some format and insert it into a document.
My aim is to create a text report with illustrated diagram.
I would appreciate any help?

Well, you can easily create a JPEG image of a view, by using the JPEGView class in the imager example.
Or you can create an SVG image by using the SVGGoView class in the examples directory.