

I use WPf last version.

Suppose you have 2 nodes. n1 is selected.
Can you explain me the mechanism that allows to set n1.IsSelected to false, when we click on n2 ?

In one case, when i perform paste, n1 is selected, but when I click on n2, n1 is not deselected. I should click in the diagram background after to deselect the both. And then selection works well.

I have binded the Part.IsSelected property with one of my model property.
At the end of CommandHandler.Paste, the IsSelected property is well defined, as my model property.

public override void Paste()
            Diagram diagram = this.Diagram;
            if (diagram == null) return;

        /* ====== we don't need this, it was just a try ====*/
            QDiagramEnvironment DataContextDiagram = Session.AppContext.CurrentEnvironment as QDiagramEnvironment;

            foreach (SphItem oItem in DataContextDiagram.SelectedItems)
                QD_Node oNode = DataContextDiagram.QD_Model.FindNodeByKey(oItem.ID.ToString());
                if (oNode == null) return;
                Node oPart =  this.Diagram.PartManager.FindNodeForData(oNode, DataContextDiagram.QD_Model);
                if (oPart == null) return;
                oPart.IsSelected = true;

As you can see in the code, i don’t use the clipboard mechanism, but override all the copy/paste functions in my own commandhandler.

Where’s my mistake ?


Are you using a Mode=TwoWay data-binding of Part.IsSelected?

It isn’t clear to me that it’s possible to data-bind Part.IsSelected and keep the standard selection behavior.

yes, it is in twoway mode

 protected override Node MakeNodeForData(object nodedata, IDiagramModel model, bool isgroup, bool islinklabel, string category, DataTemplate templ)
            Node oNode = base.MakeNodeForData(nodedata, model, isgroup, islinklabel, category, templ);
            if (oNode != null)
                    Binding binding = new Binding()
                        Path = new PropertyPath("Data.Item.ExtendedProperties[IsQDSelected]"),
                        Converter = (IValueConverter)this.TryFindResource("convObjectBoolean"),
                        Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay
                    oNode.SetBinding(Part.IsSelectedProperty, binding);
            return oNode;

DiagramTool.StandardMouseSelect is the implementation of the standard selection behavior when there are mouse clicks.

When the user clicks on a Part that is not IsSelected, it calls Diagram.Select on that part.

Diagram.Select is defined as:
public void Select(Part part) {
if (part != null && part.Diagram == this) {
if (!part.IsSelected || this.SelectedParts.Count > 1) {
part.IsSelected = true;

Diagram.ClearSelection is defined as:
public void ClearSelection() {
ObservableCollection sel = this.SelectedParts;
if (sel.Count > 0) sel.Clear();
this.SelectedPart = null;
this.SelectedNode = null;
this.SelectedGroup = null;
this.SelectedLink = null;

I don’t understand…
I tried to make a smaller sample that reproduces the trick but i can’t.

But in my project I got this situation :

the Diagram.Part.IsSelected is true, but SelectedParts, SelectedNode et SelectedPart are empty !!


I still think you are going about this the wrong way.

What is it you really want to achieve?
Then we can figure out how to implement it.