License Issue

Running VS 2010, on win7 box. Debugging on development server.

Added GoView component:<GoWeb:GoView ID="gvDiagram" runat="server" Height="300" Width="400" NoPost="true" ImagePage="GoWebImage.axd" ScriptFile="GoWeb.js" CssFile="none"></GoWeb:GoView >
Get this error: The license for this copy of GoDiagram Web is invalid or has expired.
Is there somewhere to download a license for the demo version??

Install the evaluation kit under the user account you are using when you develop.

Do you mean install it in the User’s MyDocuments folder? Our MyDocuments folder is a network location but I will try. Seems like a bad design to install anything in a user’s document folder…

No, that shouldn’t be required. The install adds evaluation licenses to the registry.

Run the GoDiagram License Manager and see if there are GoWeb evaluation licenses listed.

Note you can’t deploy a GoWeb app under eval, but it doesn’t sound like that’s what you’re doing.

This is a pain. I develop under a different user as I log into my computer with. It will not let me install this as the other user. I will have to log out and back in as the other user. So I am curious what the point of installing it under a user was. Couldn’t you just make available for any user?

We used to do that, but at some point Microsoft started requiring privs for that during install, and meeting their install recommendations meant changing to user.

You can just copy the keys to the other user if you’re comfortable with Registry editing.