Link Between Two MultiTextNode


I’m trying to link two MultiTextNode, however, when I had the link to the doc, nothing show up.
If someone have any guess how to fix it.
Here my code
BEGIN and END have the same declaration except for position and name.

MultiTextNode END = new MultiTextNode(); END.initialize(); END.setTopLeft(800, 500); JGoText t1 = (JGoText)END.addString("END"); t1.setAlignment(JGoText.ALIGN_CENTER); t1 = (JGoText)END.addString("TAPC : 0"); t1.setAlignment(JGoText.ALIGN_CENTER); t1 = (JGoText)END.addString("TAPT : 0"); t1.setAlignment(JGoText.ALIGN_CENTER); END.setLinePen(; t1.setBold(true); END.setInsets(new Insets(0, 2, 0, 2)); // add space on sides END.setItemWidth(100); doc.addObjectAtTail(END); JGoLink l = new JGoLink((JGoPort) BEGIN.getRightPort(0), (JGoPort) END.getLeftPort(0)); doc.addObjectAtTail(l);

EDIT : Well finnaly it appear that I’ve solved the problem, nothing related to the library. Unsuful post. Sorry :frowning: