Model.Changed not fired after drag drop

Hi again, I just have a bit of a question regarding myDiagram.Model.DataFormat that you used in your example above.

I am tweaking the drag and drop a little to allow me to drop objects onto an items template that forms part of my node data template.

I am specifying myDiagram.Model.DataFormat as the data format when trying to get the data in my drop event handler. Here is the code…

private void Parameter_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) <br /> { <br /> if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(myDiagram.Model.DataFormat)) <br /> { <br /> StackPanel panel = sender as StackPanel; <br /> <br /> AmpNodeObject ano = e.Data.GetData(myDiagram.Model.DataFormat) as AmpNodeObject; <br /> <br /> Parameter p = panel.DataContext as Parameter; <br /> p.Name = ano.Name; <br /> p.Colour = ano.Colour; <br /> } <br /> } <br />

However, ano is always null as GetData is not returning what I am expecting.

As you can see in the code at the source, the data is the result of calling CreateDataCollection, which returns something that is an IDataCollection.