Mouse Scroll Zoom Feature not working in Firefox

We have created an orgchart for goXam, which seems to work fine in IE however the scroll zoom feature doesn’t work in Firefox. Could you help us on what might be causing this problem?

I have no idea – it works for me. You are talking about control-mouse-wheel, right?

I just tried our on-line GoSilverlightDemo in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. All behaved correctly.

If you run our on-line demo, does it work for you?
GoXam Samples

The samples always worked for us. We have converted the script to vb, could that be an issue? But the feature works fine with IE.

Additionally we are also trying to use the slider as used in your demos, however we are unable to convert the following code to vb -
myDiagram.TemplateApplied += (s, e) => {
var b = new System.Windows.Data.Binding(“Scale”);
b.Source = myDiagram.Panel;
b.Mode = System.Windows.Data.BindingMode.TwoWay;
myScaleSlider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, b);
Do you have vb sample for the slider zoom control?

What version of Firefox are you using? Have you tried Chrome or another browser to see what happens?

No, I don’t think we have a VB version of the OrgChart sample.