Newbie in GoDiagram

I have attached a screen shot of what i get from the GoView and also what i wish to get from the GoView. This was plotted using the data that i mentioned above.
I was unable to use the FindPart() to locate the old node and join it with a new node. Is there anyway to do this? Please advice. Thanks.
Note: Red arrow means merging the lot. and Blue arrow means spilting the lot.

Do you really want multiple nodes with HS750020.1 ? Or all of the node labels supposed to occur once?


For this case, i want multiple 750020.01 nodes and others occur once only. thanks

Only you know which nodes should be shared and which should not be – such knowledge is very application-specific.

If the nodes have unique labels, you can use the GoDocument.FindNode method, if the node you seek has already been added to the document.

Otherwise, you’ll need to maintain your own data structures to keep track of which nodes are which.

can anyone show me an example of using the FindNode function?