Not able to inherit from Goxam classes


Am inherting from Goxam classes because i may have to override some of the functionalities
am creating classes like
RuleCanvasDiagram : Diagram
RuleCanvasNode : Node
RuleCanvasDataTemplateDictionary : DataTemplateDictionary
like that am creating more classes but am not able to inherit from Part
when i inherit from part
am getting exception abstract memebers not implmeneted but i have implemented two of the abstract memebers.
Why it that?
so what i have done is i have inherited from Node class becuase Node is inherited from Part.
Correct me where i went wrong...
Similarly am trying to put styles in resource dictionary
for example:
<Style TargetType="RuleCanvas:RuleCanasSpotPanel" x:Key="SpotPanelStyle"> <Setter Property="RuleCanvas:RuleCanvasPart.SelectionElementName" Value="Shape" /> <Setter Property="RuleCanvas:RuleCanvasPart.SelectionAdorned" Value="True" /> <Setter Property="RuleCanvas:RuleCanvasNode.LocationSpot" Value="Center" /> </Style>
but this also not working...
Property is not comming i just harded coded this...usually intellisence should come....

The Diagram, Node, and DataTemplateDictionary classes were designed to not need to be subclassed except in very uncommon circumstances.

The only classes that one might expect to subclass are the model data classes. The classes that are sometimes subclassed are the …Tools and the CommandHandler and the PartManager and the …Layouts. Oh, and Converter.

So I’m wondering why you think you need to inherit from Diagram and Node and DataTemplateDictionary. Perhaps there’s an easier way to organize the functionality of your application.

So you mean to say…Subclassing is not possbile in Goxam

1) RuleCanvasDiagram : Diagram
2) RuleCanvasDataTemplateDictionary : DataTemplateDictionary
3)RuleCanvasGraphLinksModelNodeData : GraphLinksModelNodeData<String>
4)RuleCanvasLayeredDigraphLayout : LayeredDigraphLayout
5)RuleCanvasLink : Link
6)RuleCanvasSpotPanel :SpotPanel
7)RuleCanvasLinkPanel : LinkPanel
8) RuleCanvasNode : Node 9)RuleCanvasNodePanel:NodePanel
10) RuleCanvasRoute : Route
the above subclassing is not possible using Goxam libraries.
We are trying to build our own framework on top of Goxam.
i believe Goxam framework has been build on top .Net framework.
Why not consume of the goxam cant create their framework on top of Goxam by subclassing.

Well, you certainly can subclass all of those classes. I believe we tried that before we shipped version 1.0 to make sure that that worked.

But that’s a lot of work and I don’t see the advantage of doing so. There’s more work to subclassing Controls than just the class definition. You’ll also need to copy and adapt all(?) of the stuff in Generic.XAML.

You rite…

Am 100% on your side..
but when i do for client ...
Client needs a framework on top of Goxam....
Hope you will understand...
like how you build goxam on top of Microsoft Siliverlight framework...
bye the way..
not able to sub class
CustomPart : Part
i got the following execption even after implmenting abstract properites of Part class
Compile time errors:
Error 1 'Suren.CustomGoxam.CustomPart' does not implement inherited abstract member 'Northwoods.GoXam.Part.#Ij(bool)' D:\Suren\GoSilverlight\Samples\GoSilverlightDemo\CustomGoxam\CustomGoxam\Custom.cs 30 18 Suren
Error 2 'Suren.CustomGoxam.CustomPart' does not implement inherited abstract member 'Northwoods.GoXam.Part.#tg(System.Windows.Rect)' D:\Suren\GoSilverlight\Samples\GoSilverlightDemo\CustomGoxam\CustomGoxam\Custom.cs 30 18 Suren
Error 3 'Suren.CustomGoxam.CustomPart' does not implement inherited abstract member 'Northwoods.GoXam.Part.#Fj()' D:\Suren\GoSilverlight\Samples\GoSilverlightDemo\CustomGoxam\CustomGoxam\Custom.cs 30 18 Suren
Error 4 'Suren.CustomGoxam.CustomPart' does not implement inherited abstract member 'Northwoods.GoXam.Part.#Ej()' D:\Suren\GoSilverlight\Samples\GoSilverlightDemo\CustomGoxam\CustomGoxam\Custom.cs 30 18 Suren
Error 5 'Suren.CustomGoxam.CustomPart' does not implement inherited abstract member 'Northwoods.GoXam.Part.#Dj(bool)' D:\Suren\GoSilverlight\Samples\GoSilverlightDemo\CustomGoxam\CustomGoxam\Custom.cs 30 18 Suren

There’s no need to subclass Part because you are able to subclass Node and Group and Link, which inherit from Part.


You rite..
i have done the same
but just a curiosity ..
i wanna know why i cant inherit from Part class
As well as i am trying the following
<Style TargetType="custom:CustomSpotPanel" x:Key="SpotPanelStyle"> <Setter Property="cus" Value="True" /> [Error part dont know how to do]
//Trying the same way in the above code using my subclass
but this not working
<Setter Property="go:Node.LocationSpot" Value="Center" />

here am trying to use custom:CustomPart.SelectionAdorned but the intellisence is not working so i just code this but i got runtime exception.

Yes, it’s intentional that you cannot inherit directly from Part but can inherit from a class that inherits from it, like Node.

There didn’t seem to be a good way to support Parts that were neither Nodes nor Links.