Procedure figure not working

I am binding figure to my model and it works fine for different kind of figures except for Procedure

As you can see in the palette, the SubProcess name looks like a regular Rectangle. However when I drag it to the diagram, it looks like a Procedure. So the problem only occurs in the palette.

This is how I define the node template in the palettte

palette.nodeTemplate =
      $(go.Node, 'Auto',
          locationSpot: go.Spot.Center, locationObjectName: 'SHAPE',
          desiredSize: new go.Size(120, 60), minSize: new go.Size(40, 40),
          resizable: true, resizeCellSize: new go.Size(20, 20)

        $(go.Shape, new go.Binding('figure', 'figure'),
            stroke: null,
          new go.Binding('fill', 'color1', convertLinearBrush),
          new go.Binding('fill', 'color2', convertLinearBrush)
          // new go.Binding('fill', 'color')
        $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 8 },
          new go.Binding('text', 'label'))

and in the diagram:

 dia.nodeTemplate =
      $(go.Node, 'Auto',
          //   locationSpot: go.Spot.Center, locationObjectName: 'SHAPE',
          //   desiredSize: new go.Size(120, 60), minSize: new go.Size(40, 40),
          resizable: true, resizeCellSize: new go.Size(20, 20), resizeObjectName: 'SHAPE',
          //   portId:'', fromLinkable: true, toLinkable: true
        new go.Binding('location', 'location', go.Point.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Point.stringify),
        $(go.Panel, 'Auto',
          $(go.Shape, new go.Binding('figure', 'figure'), {
            name: 'SHAPE',
            minSize: new go.Size(60, 40),
            portId: '',
            fromLinkable: false, fromLinkableSelfNode: true, fromLinkableDuplicates: true,
            toLinkable: true, toLinkableSelfNode: true, toLinkableDuplicates: true,
            spot1: go.Spot.TopLeft, spot2: go.Spot.BottomRight,
            cursor: 'pointer'
            new go.Binding('desiredSize', 'desiredSize', go.Size.parse).makeTwoWay(go.Size.stringify),
            new go.Binding('fill', 'color1', convertLinearBrush),
            new go.Binding('fill', 'color2', convertLinearBrush),
            new go.Binding('stroke', 'isHighlighted', h => h ? 'red' : 'black').ofObject(),
            new go.Binding('strokeWidth', 'isHighlighted', h => h ? 2 : 0.5).ofObject(),
            //   new go.Binding('fill', 'color')
          $(go.TextBlock, { margin: 2 },
            new go.Binding('text', 'label'))

Of course I also define the extra figure Procedure before loading the screen, in the constructor of my angular component. Any idea why that wouldn’t work in the palette ?

export const defineFigures = (): void => {
    go.Shape.defineFigureGenerator('Procedure', (shape, w, h) => {
        const geo = new go.Geometry();
        let param1 = shape ? shape.parameter1 : NaN;
        // Distance of left  and right lines from edge
        if (isNaN(param1)) { param1 = .1; }
        const fig = new go.PathFigure(0, 0, true);

        fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, 0));
        fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, w, h));
        fig.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, 0, h).close());
        const fig2 = new go.PathFigure((1 - param1) * w, 0, false);
        fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, (1 - param1) * w, h));
        fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Move, param1 * w, 0));
        fig2.add(new go.PathSegment(go.PathSegment.Line, param1 * w, h));

        return geo;

It is because you have set Shape.stroke to null.

so simple… didn’t even notice. Thanks !