I need a Sun layout in a Silverlight graph. Something like this: http://datamining.typepad.com/data_mining/images/dailykos_100.png with a node in the center and child nodes displayed in a circular layout, forming a semi-circle (from 0 to 180 degrees).
Is this possible with GoXAM? Which layout should I use? I tried the circular layout, but this is not what I need.
Thanks in advance!
We should create a new sample that does this.
Basically you would use a normal CircularLayout for the green nodes.
Then for the red nodes that only have one connection one would do separate CircularLayouts with a limited angle, one such layout for each “parent” node, with that “parent” node not moving.
Finally for the nodes that aren’t really connected in a tree-structure, because they have seem to have multiple "parent"s, one could do a ForceDirectedLayout, keeping all of the previously laid-out nodes fixed in place. Most of those nodes seem to be blue in that example.
I don’t have time at the moment to create this sample for you, but perhaps I will later in the week.
Walter, thanks for your answer.
I followed your suggestion, and this is what I’m getting: http://s3.amazonaws.com/alfonso/Graph.png.
This is a MultiLayout, where the root node uses a ForceDirectedLayout, and all the other layers use CircularLayout. As you can see I have no control on where the subnodes open and the direction of the semicircle.
Any suggestions?
That wasn’t quite what I was suggesting.
When I get a chance, I’ll work on this.
On a related matter, I assume you want something similar to, but different than: GoDiagram WebWalker sample.