I am using/testing GoDiagram component to use in our new application module, about Business Process Model.
I found and I created objects based on BPMN notation using GoDiagram component , but now I would like to create “Annotation” object, and I saw that GoDiagram has only GoBalloon to link with a node, is it?
I’d recommend simply using this in a node that has a port on the left (or a GoBoxNode with the port set to FromSides = GoObject.MiddleLeft). and use a standard GoLink for the dotted connection.
Depends on the node you want to use. You could derive from GoTextNode, and override CreateBackground to create the AnnotationRect above. In the case of GoTextNode (which has 4 ports) you might also want to override CreatePort and return null for the 3 “spots” that aren’t MiddleLeft so you have just one port on the left side.