Typescript examples and training videos

Hi, I see several examples using JavaScript, but your site says you support TypeScript. Can you please direct me to some examples using Typescript. Specifically we are looking at the tree controls you have. We are using your software in our WPF applications - it’s has worked out very well! This application is being ported to Angular so we need some guidance on using your tree controls with Typescript. Thanks

Many of the extensions, and the samples demonstrating those extensions, have been translated into TypeScript and are in the extensionsTS subfolder.

I was just starting to poke around in there, ty - any getting started videos?

We’re working on videos about using GoJS in Angular apps. Not quite ready yet…

One soup to nuts example using gojs in an angular application would really really be helpful in kick starting our project. Having to hunt and peck is really time consuming. Do you have one angular app we could use as reference?

I think many people here would benefit from it


I expect the first Angular / GoJS video will be done in a few weeks (though I cannot give a definite release date), and it will contain full source code.

In the meantime, have you seen https://github.com/NorthwoodsSoftware/GoJS-projects/tree/master/angular-basic ?