Here’s an updated version of the Virtualizing sample. This supports the ability to be called repeatedly, as the layout becomes invalidated. The VirtualizingTreeLayout still assumes that the model is a GraphLinksModel, and it uses all of the model’s node and link data.
<go:NodePanel Sizing=“Fixed”
go:Node.Location="{Binding Path=Data.Location, Mode=TwoWay}"
<go:NodeShape go:NodePanel.Figure=“RoundedRectangle”
Width="{Binding Path=Data.Width}"
Height="{Binding Path=Data.Height}"
Fill="{Binding Path=Data.Color}" Stroke=“Black” StrokeThickness=“1” />
// This sample demonstrates one way to implement virtualization of the Nodes and Links
// needed for displaying a very large model.
// It depends on the locations and sizes of the Nodes being known in the model
// before the Nodes are actually created.
// Thus using a standard diagram layout is incompatible with this assumption,
// because a normal layout will need to consider the actual sizes of the Nodes
// in order to assign reasonable Locations for those Nodes, but the Nodes have to
// exist already to do so.
// You need to customize the VirtualizingPartManager.ComputeNodeBounds method to
// account for the actual Node DataTemplates used in your application.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using Northwoods.GoXam;
using Northwoods.GoXam.Layout;
using Northwoods.GoXam.Model;
namespace Virtualizing {
public partial class Virtualizing : UserControl {
public Virtualizing() {
// automatically load all of the data AFTER this UserControl has
// been displayed in the visual tree of the demo app
myDiagram.Loaded += (s, e) => {
myDiagram.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() => { LoadData(); }));
// Create some sample data.
private void LoadData() {
var vpm = (VirtualizingPartManager)myDiagram.PartManager;
var nodes = new ObservableCollection<NodeData>() {};
var links = new ObservableCollection<LinkData>() {};
// in production usage you'll probably want to remove these status updates,
// which slows down scrolling and zooming
vpm.Status = () => {
myStatus.Text = "created " + vpm.NodesCount.ToString() + "/" + nodes.Count.ToString() + " nodes," +
" " + vpm.LinksCount.ToString() + "/" + links.Count.ToString() + " links."
+ " " + myDiagram.Panel.DiagramBounds.ToString();
// create the node data and the link data for the model
GenerateLinks(nodes, links);
// create the model with the data
var model = new GraphLinksModel<NodeData, String, String, LinkData>();
model.LinksSource = links;
model.NodesSource = nodes;
// NOTE: regular DiagramLayouts (such as TreeLayout) will not work with this virtualizing scheme!
// You need to make sure VirtualizingPartManager.ComputeNodeBounds returns good values
// for every NodeData object.
// just in case you set model.Modifiable = true, this makes sure the viewport is updated after every transaction:
model.Changed += (s, e) => {
if (e.Change == ModelChange.CommittedTransaction || e.Change == ModelChange.FinishedUndo || e.Change == ModelChange.FinishedRedo) {
vpm.UpdateViewport(myDiagram.Panel.ViewportBounds, myDiagram.Panel.ViewportBounds);
// do the initial layout *before* assigning to the Diagram.Model --
// this avoids creating all of the Nodes and Links and then throwing away everything
// outside of the viewport
VirtualizingTreeLayout layout = myDiagram.Layout as VirtualizingTreeLayout;
if (layout != null) {
layout.Model = model;
layout.DoLayout(null, null);
// initialize the Diagram with the model and its data
myDiagram.Model = model;
// remove the "Loading..." status indicator
var loading = myDiagram.PartsModel.FindNodeByKey("Loading");
if (loading != null) myDiagram.PartsModel.RemoveNode(loading);
// Creates a collection of randomly colored NodeData objects.
private void GenerateNodes(IList<NodeData> nodes) {
int numNodes = 9999;
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
var d = new NodeData() {
Key = i.ToString(),
Location = new Point(0, 0),
// Width and Height could be set based on the Category
// or other information available when creating this node data object
// assume VirtualTreeLayout will assign the Location
Color = String.Format("#{0:X}{1:X}{2:X}", 120+rand.Next(100), 120+rand.Next(100), 120+rand.Next(100))
if (i == 0) d.Location = new Point(0, 0); // locate root node
// Takes the collection of nodes and creates a random tree with them by creating LinkData objects
private void GenerateLinks(IList<NodeData> nodes, IList<LinkData> links) {
int maxLinks = 2;
var available = new HashSet<NodeData>(nodes);
Random rand = new Random();
foreach (NodeData next in nodes) {
int children = rand.Next(maxLinks)+1;
for (int i = 0; i < children; i++) {
NodeData to = available.FirstOrDefault();
if (to == null) return;
links.Add(new LinkData() { From = next.Key, To = to.Key });
// This assumes that we can determine the Bounds, in model coordinates, for each data object,
// without having to apply the DataTemplate to create the FrameworkElements in the visual tree.
// You will need to implement the ComputeNodeBounds method for your application.
// In this sample the Location is computed by a VirtualTreeLayout
// and the Width and Height are assumed to come from the NodeData class.
public class VirtualizingPartManager : PartManager {
// The viewport has changed -- create new nodes and links that should now be visible
public void UpdateViewport(Rect oldview, Rect newview) {
this.ViewportBounds = newview;
Diagram diagram = this.Diagram;
IDiagramModel model = diagram.Model;
if (!this.OffscreenQueued) {
// don't immediately remove nodes and links that have scrolled out of the viewport
this.OffscreenQueued = true;
// maybe create Nodes
foreach (Object data in model.NodesSource) {
AddNodeForData(data, model);
ILinksModel lmodel = model as ILinksModel;
if (lmodel != null) {
// maybe create Links
foreach (Object data in lmodel.LinksSource) {
AddLinkForData(data, lmodel);
// You might want to delete this statement, for efficiency:
if (this.Status != null) this.Status();
public Rect ViewportBounds { get; set; }
// Customize when the PartManager creates Nodes -- when in the viewport,
// when connecting with a link that is in the viewport, or when it's a root node
protected override bool FilterNodeForData(object nodedata, IDiagramModel model) {
NodeData data = nodedata as NodeData;
if (data == null) return true;
// always create "root" Nodes
var tmodel = model as ITreeModel;
if (tmodel != null) {
if (tmodel.GetParentForNode(nodedata) == null) return true;
} else { // with non-TreeModels, assume tree structure anyway
if (this.Diagram.TreePath == TreePath.Destination) {
if (model.GetFromNodesForNode(nodedata).Count() == 0) return true;
} else {
if (model.GetToNodesForNode(nodedata).Count() == 0) return true;
// don't create Node with unknown Location (unless it's a root node, above)
if (Double.IsNaN(data.Location.X) || Double.IsNaN(data.Location.Y)) return false;
// see if the Node would be in the viewport
Rect thisb = ComputeNodeBounds(data);
if (Intersects(this.ViewportBounds, thisb)) return true;
// or if the Node is connected to with a Link that is in the viewport
foreach (Object otherdata in model.GetConnectedNodesForNode(nodedata)) {
Rect linkb = thisb;
linkb.Union(ComputeNodeBounds(otherdata as NodeData));
if (Intersects(this.ViewportBounds, linkb)) return true;
return false;
// Account for actual node size, because it would normally be unknown
// until after the Node was actually created and measured.
public Rect ComputeNodeBounds(NodeData data) {
// Remember to take the relative Location into account.
// This assumes the LocationSpot is at the Center of the whole node.
return new Rect(data.Location.X - data.Width/2, data.Location.Y - data.Height/2, data.Width, data.Height);
// Customize when the PartManager creates Links
protected override bool FilterLinkForData(object linkdata, IDiagramModel model) {
LinkData data = linkdata as LinkData;
if (data == null) return true;
return IsOnscreen(data, model);
private bool IsOnscreen(LinkData data, IDiagramModel model) {
if (data == null) return false;
NodeData from = model.FindNodeByKey(data.From) as NodeData;
if (from == null) return false;
NodeData to = model.FindNodeByKey(data.To) as NodeData;
if (to == null) return false;
Rect b = ComputeNodeBounds(from);
return Intersects(this.ViewportBounds, b);
// Customize when the PartManager creates Links if the model is not an ILinksModel
protected override bool FilterLinkForData(object fromnodedata, object tonodedata, IDiagramModel model) {
Rect b = ComputeNodeBounds(fromnodedata as NodeData);
b.Union(ComputeNodeBounds(tonodedata as NodeData));
return Intersects(this.ViewportBounds, b);
private bool OffscreenQueued { get; set; }
// To reduce memory usage, remove existing Nodes and Links that are no longer within the viewport
private void RemoveOffscreen() {
this.OffscreenQueued = false;
IDiagramModel model = this.Diagram.Model;
var offscreennodes = new List<Node>();
foreach (Node n in this.Diagram.Nodes) {
if (!FilterNodeForData(n.Data, model)) offscreennodes.Add(n);
foreach (Node n in offscreennodes) {
RemoveNodeForData(n.Data, model);
var offscreenlinks = new List<Link>();
foreach (Link l in this.Diagram.Links) {
LinkData data = l.Data as LinkData;
if (data == null) continue;
if (!IsOnscreen(data, model)) offscreenlinks.Add(l);
foreach (Link l in offscreenlinks) {
RemoveLinkForData(l.Data, model);
// You might want to delete this statement, for efficiency:
if (this.Status != null) this.Status();
// this property is just for informational feedback -- you can delete this:
public Action Status { get; set; }
// Compute intersection of Rects, handling Infinity and NaN properly.
private static bool Intersects(Rect a, Rect b) {
double tw = a.Width;
double rw = b.Width;
double tx = a.X;
double rx = b.X;
if (!Double.IsPositiveInfinity(tw) && !Double.IsPositiveInfinity(rw)) {
tw += tx;
rw += rx;
if (Double.IsNaN(rw) || Double.IsNaN(tw) || tx > rw || rx > tw) return false;
double th = a.Height;
double rh = b.Height;
double ty = a.Y;
double ry = b.Y;
if (!Double.IsPositiveInfinity(th) && !Double.IsPositiveInfinity(rh)) {
th += ty;
rh += ry;
if (Double.IsNaN(rh) || Double.IsNaN(th) || ty > rh || ry > th) return false;
return true;
// This customized DiagramPanel calls VirtualizingPartManager.UpdateViewport when needed
public class VirtualizingDiagramPanel : DiagramPanel {
// replace this functionality to take into account non-existent Nodes
protected override Rect ComputeDiagramBounds() {
Rect db = Rect.Empty;
var pm = this.Diagram.PartManager as VirtualizingPartManager;
foreach (NodeData data in this.Diagram.Model.NodesSource) {
Rect b = pm.ComputeNodeBounds(data);
if (db.IsEmpty) {
db = b;
} else {
if (db.IsEmpty) return new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
return db;
// whenever the viewport changes, maybe create or remove some Nodes and Links
protected override void OnViewportBoundsChanged(RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs<Rect> e) {
var vpm = this.Diagram.PartManager as VirtualizingPartManager;
if (vpm != null) vpm.UpdateViewport(e.OldValue, e.NewValue);
// TreeLayout is unusual because it depends on the existence of the actual Nodes for the roots.
// Here we try to ignore all methods and properties that deal with Nodes or Links.
// Instead we use Vertex and Edge classes that know about the model data.
// This layout implementation assumes the use of a GraphLinksModel (i.e. an ILinksModel).
public class VirtualizingTreeLayout : TreeLayout {
public ILinksModel Model { get; set; }
public override TreeNetwork CreateNetwork() {
return new VirtualizingTreeNetwork();
// ignore the arguments, because they assume the existence of Nodes and Links
public override TreeNetwork MakeNetwork(IEnumerable<Node> nodes, IEnumerable<Link> links) {
var net = (VirtualizingTreeNetwork)CreateNetwork();
return net;
// need to find root Node(s); which in this case means creating the actual Nodes,
// since they would otherwise not exist
protected override void FindRoots() {
foreach (VirtualizingTreeVertex v in this.Network.Vertexes) {
if ((this.Path == TreePath.Destination && v.SourceEdgesCount == 0) ||
(this.Path == TreePath.Source && v.DestinationEdgesCount == 0)) {
var node = this.Diagram.PartManager.AddNodeForData(v.Data, this.Model);
if (node == null) throw new Exception("No root Node for: " + v.Data.ToString());
((VirtualizingTreeNetwork)this.Network).SetNode(v, node);
if (this.Roots.Count == 0) throw new Exception("Found no root node for tree");
// Use Virtualizing versions of Vertex and Edge.
public class VirtualizingTreeNetwork : TreeNetwork {
public override TreeVertex CreateVertex() {
return new VirtualizingTreeVertex();
public override TreeEdge CreateEdge() {
return new VirtualizingTreeEdge();
// a replacement for TreeNetwork.AddNodesAndLinks using model data instead of Nodes or Links
public VirtualizingTreeNetwork AddData(ILinksModel model) {
var nodes = model.NodesSource as IEnumerable<NodeData>;
var links = model.LinksSource as IEnumerable<LinkData>;
var NodeDataMap = new Dictionary<NodeData, VirtualizingTreeVertex>();
var LinkDataMap = new Dictionary<LinkData, VirtualizingTreeEdge>();
foreach (NodeData d in nodes) {
if (NodeDataMap.ContainsKey(d)) continue;
// create and add VirtualizingTreeVertex
var v = (VirtualizingTreeVertex)CreateVertex();
v.Data = d;
NodeDataMap.Add(d, v);
foreach (LinkData d in links) {
if (LinkDataMap.ContainsKey(d)) continue;
// find connected node data
var from = (NodeData)model.FindNodeByKey(d.From);
var to = (NodeData)model.FindNodeByKey(d.To);
if (from == null || to == null || from == to) continue; // skip
// now find corresponding vertexes
VirtualizingTreeVertex f;
NodeDataMap.TryGetValue(from, out f);
VirtualizingTreeVertex t;
NodeDataMap.TryGetValue(to, out t);
if (f == null || t == null) continue; // skip
// create and add VirtualizingTreeEdge
var e = (VirtualizingTreeEdge)CreateEdge();
e.Data = d;
e.FromVertex = f;
e.ToVertex = t;
return this;
internal void SetNode(VirtualizingTreeVertex v, Node n) {
v.Node = n;
this.NodeToVertexDictionary.Add(n, v);
// Associate with NodeData rather than with Node.
public class VirtualizingTreeVertex : TreeVertex {
public NodeData Data {
get { return _Data; }
set {
_Data = value;
if (_Data != null) {
// use bounds information from the NodeData rather than the Node.Bounds!
this.Focus = new Point(_Data.Width/2, _Data.Height/2);
this.Bounds = new Rect(_Data.Location.X-_Data.Width/2, _Data.Location.Y-_Data.Height/2,
_Data.Width, _Data.Height);
private NodeData _Data = null;
public override void CommitPosition() {
if (this.Data != null) {
this.Data.Location = this.Center; // set NodeData.Location instead of Node.Location!
} else {
// Associate with LinkData rather than with Link.
// NOTE: This does not support custom routing of links that is normally done by TreeLayout
public class VirtualizingTreeEdge : TreeEdge {
public LinkData Data { get; set; }
public class NodeData : GraphLinksModelNodeData {
// assume this won’t change dynamically, so don’t need to call RaisePropertyChanged
public String Color { get; set; }
public double Width {
get { return _Width; }
set { if (_Width != value) { double old = _Width; _Width = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Width", old, value); } }
private double _Width = 100;
public double Height {
get { return _Height; }
set { if (_Height != value) { double old = _Height; _Height = value; RaisePropertyChanged("Height", old, value); } }
private double _Height = 50;
public class LinkData : GraphLinksModelLinkData<String, String> { }
The above code is for GoWpfDemo. The C# code is identical for GoSilverlightDemo; the XAML is almost identical – you just need to remove the CanContentScroll from the Diagram’s ControlTemplate, because that is not supported by Silverlight.