Using 2 FlowPanelLayout in Adornment make troubles


I’m using 2 Flow Panels in one Adonrment and it makes weird side effects.
On the first screenshot you can see 2 flow panels:

  1. id+title in two lines
  2. Cicrle with textblocks.

It looks like this when in the template 1 flow panel defined after 2. ( they both child of Panel.Position so I can defined position for them to make them visualy look in correct order)
In this case tried to set all kinds of positioning/alignment to those elements - no effect.

If I define them in a correct visual order (first and then second)
It looks like this (first flow pannel is missing second row, event though it exist in itemArray)
For that case I tried to limit rows height - no effect.

I did all kinds of things I know, I debug everything I could reach but I have no clue how to make this thing looks good. I’m suspecting that using 2 Flow panels in a single context doesnt work good.
Does it? Or I’m missing something?
Please assist.


Ah, that’s a bug in the PanelLayoutFlow extension. We’ll fix it. Sorry for the frustration.

Oh, I see, at least now I know that I’m doing things right :)
Any possible time estimation?

Here’s the plain JavaScript <script> tag version that will be in extensions/.

If you are using either the extensionsJS (UMD module) or extensionsJSM (ES6 module), tell me and I can post it here too.

"use strict";
*  Copyright (C) 1998-2022 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

* This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library.
* Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases.
* If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory.
* Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders.
* See the Extensions intro page ( for more information.

* A custom {@link PanelLayout} that arranges panel elements in rows or columns.
* A typical use might be:
* <pre>
* $(go.Node,
*   ...
*   $(go.Panel, "Flow",
*     ... the elements to be laid out in rows with no space between them ...
*   )
*   ...
* )
* </pre>
* A customized use might be:
* <pre>
* $(go.Node,
*   ...
*   $(go.Panel,
*     $(PanelLayoutFlow, { spacing: new go.Size(5, 5), direction: 90 }),
*     { defaultAlignment: go.Spot.Left },
*     ... the elements to be laid out in columns downwards,
*         each column aligned on the left side...
*   )
*   ...
* )
* </pre>
* The {@link #direction} property determines whether the elements are arranged in rows (if 0 or 180)
* or in columns (if 90 or 270).
* Use the {@link #spacing} property to control how much space there is between elements in a row or column
* as well as between rows or columns.
* This layout respects the {@link GraphObject#visible}, {@link GraphObject#stretch},
* and {@link GraphObject#alignment} properties on each element, along with the Panel's
* {@link Panel#defaultStretch}, {@link Panel#defaultAlignment}, and {@link Panel#padding} properties.
* If you want elements in <i>both</i> rows and columns, use a "Table" Panel.
function PanelLayoutFlow() {; = "Flow";
  this._direction = 0;  // only 0 or 180 (rows) or 90 or 270 (columns)
  this._spacing = new go.Size(0, 0);
  // these need to go as the Panel.panelLayoutState, because they are computed by measure and later used by arrange
  // lineBreadths = []; // row height or column width, excluding spacing
  // lineLengths = [];  // line length, excluding padding and external spacing
go.Diagram.inherit(PanelLayoutFlow, go.PanelLayout);

 * Gets or sets the initial direction in which elements are laid out.
 * The value must be 0 or 180, which results in rows, or 90 or 270, which results in columns.
 * The default value is 0, resulting in rows that go rightward.
 * A value of 90 results in columns that go downward.
 * Setting this property does not notify about any changed event,
 * nor does a change in value automatically cause the panel layout to be performed again.
Object.defineProperty(PanelLayoutFlow.prototype, "direction", {
  get: function() { return this._direction; },
  set: function(d) {
    if (d !== 0 && d !== 90 && d !== 180 && d !== 270) throw new Error("bad direction for PanelLayoutFlow: " + d);
    this._direction = d;

 * Gets or sets the space between adjacent elements in the panel and the space between adjacent rows or columns.
 * The default value is (0, 0).  The size is in the panel's coordinate system.
 * Setting this property does not notify about any changed event,
 * nor does a change in value automatically cause the panel layout to be performed again.
Object.defineProperty(PanelLayoutFlow.prototype, "spacing", {
  get: function() { return this._spacing; },
  set: function(s) { this._spacing = s; }

PanelLayoutFlow.prototype.measure = function(panel, width, height, elements, union, minw, minh) {
  var lineBreadths = [];  // attach properties on panel
  var lineLengths = [];
  panel.panelLayoutState = { lineBreadths: lineBreadths, lineLengths: lineLengths };
  var pad = panel.padding;
  var wrapx = width + pad.left;  // might be Infinity
  var wrapy = height +;
  var x = pad.left;  // account for padding
  var y =;
  var xstart = x;  // remember start
  var ystart = y;
  // assume that measuring is the same for either direction
  if (this.direction === 0 || this.direction === 180) {
    var maxx = x;  // track total width
    var rowh = 0;  // compute row height
    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
      var elem = elements[i];
      if (!elem.visible) continue;
      this.measureElement(elem, Infinity, height, minw, minh);
      var mb = elem.measuredBounds;
      var marg = elem.margin;
      var gw = marg.left + mb.width + marg.right;  // gross size including margins
      var gh = + mb.height + marg.bottom;
      if (x + gw > wrapx && i > 0) {  // next row
        lineBreadths.push(rowh);  // remember previous row info
        lineLengths.push(x - pad.left);
        y += rowh + this.spacing.height;  // advance x and y
        if (y + gh <= wrapy) {  // next row fits???
          x = xstart + gw + this.spacing.width;
          rowh = gh;
        } else {  // clipped, assume zero size
          x = xstart;
          rowh = 0;
      } else {  // advance x
        x += gw + this.spacing.width;
        rowh = Math.max(rowh, gh);
      maxx = Math.max(maxx, x);
    lineLengths.push(x - pad.left);
    union.width = Math.max(0, Math.min(maxx, wrapx) - pad.left);  // don't add padding to union
    union.height = Math.max(0, y + rowh -;
  } else if (this.direction === 90 || this.direction === 270) {
    var maxy = y;
    var colw = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
      var elem = elements[i];
      if (!elem.visible) continue;
      this.measureElement(elem, width, Infinity, minw, minh);
      var mb = elem.measuredBounds;
      var marg = elem.margin;
      var gw = marg.left + mb.width + marg.right;
      var gh = + mb.height + marg.bottom;
      if (y + gh > wrapy && i > 0) {
        lineLengths.push(y -;
        x += colw + this.spacing.width;
        if (x + gw <= wrapx) {
          y = ystart + gh + this.spacing.height;
          colw = gw;
        } else {
          y = ystart;
          colw = 0;
      } else {
        y += gh + this.spacing.height;
        colw = Math.max(colw, gw);
      maxy = Math.max(maxy, y);
    lineLengths.push(y -;
    union.width = Math.max(0, x + colw - pad.left);
    union.height = Math.max(0, Math.min(maxy, wrapy) -;

PanelLayoutFlow.prototype.isStretched = function(horiz, elt, panel) {
  var s = elt.stretch;
  if (s === go.GraphObject.Default) s = panel.defaultStretch;
  if (s === go.GraphObject.Fill) return true;
  return s === (horiz ? go.GraphObject.Vertical : go.GraphObject.Horizontal);

PanelLayoutFlow.prototype.align = function(elt, panel) {
  var a = elt.alignment;
  if (a.isDefault()) a = panel.defaultAlignment;
  if (!a.isSpot()) a = go.Spot.Center;
  return a;

PanelLayoutFlow.prototype.arrange = function(panel, elements, union) {
  var lineBreadths = panel.panelLayoutState.lineBreadths;
  var lineLengths = panel.panelLayoutState.lineLengths;
  var pad = panel.padding;
  var x = (this.direction === 180) ? union.width - pad.right : pad.left;
  var y = (this.direction === 270) ? union.height - pad.bottom :;
  var xstart = x;
  var ystart = y;
  if (this.direction === 0) {
    var row = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
      var elem = elements[i];
      if (!elem.visible) continue;
      var mb = elem.measuredBounds;
      var marg = elem.margin;
      var gw = marg.left + mb.width + marg.right;
      // use computed row length to decide whether to wrap, account for error accumulation
      if (x - pad.left > lineLengths[row] - 0.00000005 && i > 0) {
        y += lineBreadths[row++] + this.spacing.height;
        x = xstart;
        if (row === lineLengths.length) row--;  // if on last row, stay there
      var lastbr = lineBreadths[row];  // if row was clipped,
      var h = (lastbr > 0) ? lastbr - - marg.bottom : 0;  // use zero height
      var ya = (lastbr > 0) ? y + : y;  // and stay at same Y point
      if ((lastbr > 0) && !this.isStretched(true, elem, panel)) {  // if aligning...
        var align = this.align(elem, panel);  // compute alignment Spot
        ya += align.y * (h - mb.height) + align.offsetY;
        h = mb.height;  // only considering Y axis
      var xa = x + ((lastbr > 0) ? marg.left : 0);
      this.arrangeElement(elem, xa, ya, mb.width, h);
      x += gw + this.spacing.width;
  } else if (this.direction === 180) {
    var row = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
      var elem = elements[i];
      if (!elem.visible) continue;
      var mb = elem.measuredBounds;
      var marg = elem.margin;
      var gw = marg.left + mb.width + marg.right;
      if (x - gw - pad.left < 0.00000005 && i > 0) {
        y += lineBreadths[row++] + this.spacing.height;
        x = xstart;
        if (row === lineLengths.length) row--;
      var lastbr = lineBreadths[row];
      var h = (lastbr > 0) ? lastbr - - marg.bottom : 0;
      var ya = (lastbr > 0) ? y + : y;
      if ((lastbr > 0) && !this.isStretched(true, elem, panel)) {
        var align = this.align(elem, panel);
        ya += align.y * (h - mb.height) + align.offsetY;
        h = mb.height;
      var xa = x - gw + ((lastbr > 0) ? marg.left : 0);
      this.arrangeElement(elem, xa, ya, mb.width, h);
      x -= gw + this.spacing.width;
  } else if (this.direction === 90) {
    var col = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
      var elem = elements[i];
      if (!elem.visible) continue;
      var mb = elem.measuredBounds;
      var marg = elem.margin;
      var gh = + mb.height + marg.bottom;
      if (y - > lineLengths[col] - 0.00000005 && i > 0) {
        x += lineBreadths[col++] + this.spacing.width;
        y = ystart;
        if (col === lineLengths.length) col--;
      var lastbr = lineBreadths[col];
      var w = (lastbr > 0) ? lastbr - marg.left - marg.right : 0;
      var xa = (lastbr > 0) ? x + marg.left : x;
      if ((lastbr > 0) && !this.isStretched(false, elem, panel)) {
        var align = this.align(elem, panel);
        xa += align.x * (w - mb.width) + align.offsetX;
        w = mb.width;
      var ya = y + ((lastbr > 0) ? : 0);
      this.arrangeElement(elem, xa, ya, w, mb.height);
      y += gh + this.spacing.height;
  } else if (this.direction === 270) {
    var col = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
      var elem = elements[i];
      if (!elem.visible) continue;
      var mb = elem.measuredBounds;
      var marg = elem.margin;
      var gh = + mb.height + marg.bottom;
      if (y - gh - < 0.00000005 && i > 0) {
        x += lineBreadths[col++] + this.spacing.width;
        y = ystart - gh;
        if (col === lineLengths.length) col--;
      } else {
        y -= gh;
      var lastbr = lineBreadths[col];
      var w = (lastbr > 0) ? lastbr - marg.left - marg.right : 0;
      var xa = (lastbr > 0) ? x + marg.left : x;
      if ((lastbr > 0) && !this.isStretched(false, elem, panel)) {
        var align = this.align(elem, panel);
        xa += align.x * (w - mb.width) + align.offsetX;
        w = mb.width;
      var ya = y + ((lastbr > 0) ? : 0);
      this.arrangeElement(elem, xa, ya, w, mb.height);
      y -= this.spacing.height;
  panel.panelLayoutState = null;  // free up the temporary Arrays

go.Panel.definePanelLayout('Flow', new PanelLayoutFlow());

Yeah, I’m using ES6 module.

This was compiled from TypeScript, which is also available if you want it.

As always, substitute the source of the GoJS library that you are using in your environment.

*  Copyright (C) 1998-2022 by Northwoods Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library.
* Note that the API for this class may change with any version, even point releases.
* If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory.
* Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions or extensionsJSM folders.
* See the Extensions intro page ( for more information.
import * as go from '../release/go-module.js';
* A custom {@link PanelLayout} that arranges panel elements in rows or columns.
* A typical use might be:
* <pre>
* $(go.Node,
*   ...
*   $(go.Panel, "Flow",
*     ... the elements to be laid out in rows with no space between them ...
*   )
*   ...
* )
* </pre>
* A customized use might be:
* <pre>
* $(go.Node,
*   ...
*   $(go.Panel,
*     $(PanelLayoutFlow, { spacing: new go.Size(5, 5), direction: 90 }),
*     ... the elements to be laid out in columns ...
*   )
*   ...
* )
* </pre>
* The {@link #direction} property determines whether the elements are arranged in rows (if 0 or 180)
* or in columns (if 90 or 270).
* Use the {@link #spacing} property to control how much space there is between elements in a row or column
* as well as between rows or columns.
* This layout respects the {@link GraphObject#visible}, {@link GraphObject#stretch},
* and {@link GraphObject#alignment} properties on each element, along with the Panel's
* {@link Panel#defaultStretch}, {@link Panel#defaultAlignment}, and {@link Panel#padding} properties.
* If you want to experiment with this extension, try the <a href="../../extensionsJSM/PanelLayoutFlow.html">Flow PanelLayout</a> sample.
* @category Layout Extension
export class PanelLayoutFlow extends go.PanelLayout {
    // these need to go as the Panel.panelLayoutState, because they are computed by measure and later used by arrange
    // lineBreadths = []; // row height or column width, excluding spacing
    // lineLengths = [];  // line length, excluding padding and external spacing
     * Constructs a PanelLayoutFlow that lays out elements in rows
     * with no space between the elements or between the rows.
    constructor() {
        this._direction = 0; // only 0 or 180 (rows) or 90 or 270 (columns)
        this._spacing = new go.Size(0, 0); // space between elements and rows/columns = "Flow";
     * Gets or sets the initial direction in which elements are laid out.
     * The value must be 0 or 180, which results in rows, or 90 or 270, which results in columns.
     * The default value is 0, resulting in rows that go rightward.
     * A value of 90 results in columns that go downward.
     * Setting this property does not notify about any changed event,
     * nor does a change in value automatically cause the panel layout to be performed again.
    get direction() { return this._direction; }
    set direction(d) {
        if (d !== 0 && d !== 90 && d !== 180 && d !== 270)
            throw new Error("bad direction for PanelLayoutFlow: " + d);
        this._direction = d;
     * Gets or sets the space between adjacent elements in the panel and the space between adjacent rows or columns.
     * The default value is (0, 0).  The size is in the panel's coordinate system.
     * Setting this property does not notify about any changed event,
     * nor does a change in value automatically cause the panel layout to be performed again.
    get spacing() { return this._spacing; }
    set spacing(s) { this._spacing = s; }
    measure(panel, width, height, elements, union, minw, minh) {
        const lineBreadths = []; // attach properties on panel
        const lineLengths = [];
        panel.panelLayoutState = { lineBreadths: lineBreadths, lineLengths: lineLengths };
        const pad = panel.padding;
        const wrapx = width + pad.left; // might be Infinity
        const wrapy = height +;
        let x = pad.left; // account for padding
        let y =;
        const xstart = x; // remember start
        const ystart = y;
        // assume that measuring is the same for either direction
        if (this.direction === 0 || this.direction === 180) {
            let maxx = x; // track total width
            let rowh = 0; // compute row height
            for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
                const elem = elements[i];
                if (!elem.visible)
                this.measureElement(elem, Infinity, height, minw, minh);
                const mb = elem.measuredBounds;
                const marg = elem.margin;
                const gw = marg.left + mb.width + marg.right; // gross size including margins
                const gh = + mb.height + marg.bottom;
                if (x + gw > wrapx && i > 0) { // next row
                    lineBreadths.push(rowh); // remember previous row info
                    lineLengths.push(x - pad.left);
                    y += rowh + this.spacing.height; // advance x and y
                    if (y + gh <= wrapy) { // next row fits???
                        x = xstart + gw + this.spacing.width;
                        rowh = gh;
                    else { // clipped, assume zero size
                        x = xstart;
                        rowh = 0;
                else { // advance x
                    x += gw + this.spacing.width;
                    rowh = Math.max(rowh, gh);
                maxx = Math.max(maxx, x);
            lineLengths.push(x - pad.left);
            union.width = Math.max(0, Math.min(maxx, wrapx) - pad.left); // don't add padding to union
            union.height = Math.max(0, y + rowh -;
        else if (this.direction === 90 || this.direction === 270) {
            let maxy = y;
            let colw = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
                const elem = elements[i];
                if (!elem.visible)
                this.measureElement(elem, width, Infinity, minw, minh);
                const mb = elem.measuredBounds;
                const marg = elem.margin;
                const gw = marg.left + mb.width + marg.right;
                const gh = + mb.height + marg.bottom;
                if (y + gh > wrapy && i > 0) {
                    lineLengths.push(y -;
                    x += colw + this.spacing.width;
                    if (x + gw <= wrapx) {
                        y = ystart + gh + this.spacing.height;
                        colw = gw;
                    else {
                        y = ystart;
                        colw = 0;
                else {
                    y += gh + this.spacing.height;
                    colw = Math.max(colw, gw);
                maxy = Math.max(maxy, y);
            lineLengths.push(y -;
            union.width = Math.max(0, x + colw - pad.left);
            union.height = Math.max(0, Math.min(maxy, wrapy) -;
    isStretched(horiz, elt, panel) {
        let s = elt.stretch;
        if (s === go.GraphObject.Default)
            s = panel.defaultStretch;
        if (s === go.GraphObject.Fill)
            return true;
        return s === (horiz ? go.GraphObject.Vertical : go.GraphObject.Horizontal);
    align(elt, panel) {
        let a = elt.alignment;
        if (a.isDefault())
            a = panel.defaultAlignment;
        if (!a.isSpot())
            a = go.Spot.Center;
        return a;
    arrange(panel, elements, union) {
        const lineBreadths = panel.panelLayoutState.lineBreadths;
        const lineLengths = panel.panelLayoutState.lineLengths;
        const pad = panel.padding;
        let x = (this.direction === 180) ? union.width - pad.right : pad.left;
        let y = (this.direction === 270) ? union.height - pad.bottom :;
        const xstart = x;
        const ystart = y;
        if (this.direction === 0) {
            let row = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
                const elem = elements[i];
                if (!elem.visible)
                const mb = elem.measuredBounds;
                const marg = elem.margin;
                const gw = marg.left + mb.width + marg.right;
                // use computed row length to decide whether to wrap, account for error accumulation
                if (x - pad.left > lineLengths[row] - 0.00000005 && i > 0) {
                    y += lineBreadths[row++] + this.spacing.height;
                    x = xstart;
                    if (row === lineLengths.length)
                        row--; // if on last row, stay there
                const lastbr = lineBreadths[row]; // if row was clipped,
                let h = (lastbr > 0) ? lastbr - - marg.bottom : 0; // use zero height
                let ya = (lastbr > 0) ? y + : y; // and stay at same Y point
                if ((lastbr > 0) && !this.isStretched(true, elem, panel)) { // if aligning...
                    const align = this.align(elem, panel); // compute alignment Spot
                    ya += align.y * (h - mb.height) + align.offsetY;
                    h = mb.height; // only considering Y axis
                const xa = x + ((lastbr > 0) ? marg.left : 0);
                this.arrangeElement(elem, xa, ya, mb.width, h);
                x += gw + this.spacing.width;
        else if (this.direction === 180) {
            let row = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
                const elem = elements[i];
                if (!elem.visible)
                const mb = elem.measuredBounds;
                const marg = elem.margin;
                const gw = marg.left + mb.width + marg.right;
                if (x - gw - pad.left < 0.00000005 && i > 0) {
                    y += lineBreadths[row++] + this.spacing.height;
                    x = xstart;
                    if (row === lineLengths.length)
                const lastbr = lineBreadths[row];
                let h = (lastbr > 0) ? lastbr - - marg.bottom : 0;
                let ya = (lastbr > 0) ? y + : y;
                if ((lastbr > 0) && !this.isStretched(true, elem, panel)) {
                    const align = this.align(elem, panel);
                    ya += align.y * (h - mb.height) + align.offsetY;
                    h = mb.height;
                const xa = x - gw + ((lastbr > 0) ? marg.left : 0);
                this.arrangeElement(elem, xa, ya, mb.width, h);
                x -= gw + this.spacing.width;
        else if (this.direction === 90) {
            let col = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
                const elem = elements[i];
                if (!elem.visible)
                const mb = elem.measuredBounds;
                const marg = elem.margin;
                const gh = + mb.height + marg.bottom;
                if (y - > lineLengths[col] - 0.00000005 && i > 0) {
                    x += lineBreadths[col++] + this.spacing.width;
                    y = ystart;
                    if (col === lineLengths.length)
                const lastbr = lineBreadths[col];
                let w = (lastbr > 0) ? lastbr - marg.left - marg.right : 0;
                let xa = (lastbr > 0) ? x + marg.left : x;
                if ((lastbr > 0) && !this.isStretched(false, elem, panel)) {
                    const align = this.align(elem, panel);
                    xa += align.x * (w - mb.width) + align.offsetX;
                    w = mb.width;
                const ya = y + ((lastbr > 0) ? : 0);
                this.arrangeElement(elem, xa, ya, w, mb.height);
                y += gh + this.spacing.height;
        else if (this.direction === 270) {
            let col = 0;
            for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
                const elem = elements[i];
                if (!elem.visible)
                const mb = elem.measuredBounds;
                const marg = elem.margin;
                const gh = + mb.height + marg.bottom;
                if (y - gh - < 0.00000005 && i > 0) {
                    x += lineBreadths[col++] + this.spacing.width;
                    y = ystart - gh;
                    if (col === lineLengths.length)
                else {
                    y -= gh;
                const lastbr = lineBreadths[col];
                let w = (lastbr > 0) ? lastbr - marg.left - marg.right : 0;
                let xa = (lastbr > 0) ? x + marg.left : x;
                if ((lastbr > 0) && !this.isStretched(false, elem, panel)) {
                    const align = this.align(elem, panel);
                    xa += align.x * (w - mb.width) + align.offsetX;
                    w = mb.width;
                const ya = y + ((lastbr > 0) ? : 0);
                this.arrangeElement(elem, xa, ya, w, mb.height);
                y -= this.spacing.height;
        panel.panelLayoutState = null; // free up the temporary Arrays
PanelLayoutFlow._ = (() => {
    go.Panel.definePanelLayout('Flow', new PanelLayoutFlow());

Perfect! I will try it out and mark it as solution if everything will be ok :)

Thanks a lot, its working!

The extension has been fixed in v2.2.12.