Version 1.3.1

We are pleased to announce the release of GoJS version 1.3.1.

  • Version 1.3 includes support for generating SVG. Please read Generating SVG.
  • We have added several new samples demonstrating integration with RequireJS and AngularJS, as well as a Tournament sample and a BPMN editor with supporting extension classes.
  • The styles of the standard adornments for selection and tool handles has been changed to be more blue. Any custom adornments that you have defined are unaffected.
  • Models now save/restore a JavaScript object on the model (Model.modelData) where you can put as many JSON-serializable properties as you like independent of any node data.
  • On a Macintosh keyboard commands now use the Command key instead of Control.
  • The DraggingTool and LinkingTools now support dragging a single Link and disconnecting/reconnecting a link to one or two new ports: the DraggingTool.dragsLink and the LinkingTool.isUnconnectedLinkValid property.
  • In-place text editing now automatically selects all of the existing text.
  • We have updated the type definition file for TypeScript: GoJS.d.ts.
  • There are a few performance improvements and a bunch of bug fixes.

A full list of changes preceding this version is available in the Change Log.