Viewbox CornerRounding

In the example I gave the viewbox background red I want it to be Rounded Rectangle. I want to make the borders oval. How can I do?

Please review the example.

The first thing I notice is that your node template has this form:

Node, "Spot"
    Panel, "Vertical"
        Panel, "Spot"
            Panel, "Spot"
                Panel, "Viewbox"
        Panel, "Spot"
            Panel, "Auto"
                Shape, "RoundedRectangle"

Are you not using go-debug.js? You should be, so that you can catch some of the non-optimal design that you are using.

My principal point is that a “Spot” Panel should have two (or more) objects in them. Yet it appears that every single one of the “Spot” Panels only has one object in them. You should just excise all of the “Spot” Panels.

It seems to me that your node template should just be something like:

Node, "Vertical"
    Panel, "Auto"  // this should be named and that name should be the Node.resizeObjectName
        Shape, "RoundedRectangle"
    Panel, "Auto"
        Shape, "RoundedRectangle"

Can you please look now?

this is my template. Still wrong?

Can you make your red field rounded?

Please edit the code at codepen

    function getNodeShape() {
        return $(go.Panel, "Auto",
            $(go.Shape, "RoundedRectangle", { fill: "red", strokeWidth: 0 }),
            $(go.Picture, { desiredSize: new go.Size(35, 35), source: