Whether GoWeb4.2.0.4 support FireFox19.0.2?

Our application is using GoWeb4.2.0.4. When I run it in firefox 19.0.2, it keep on refreshing the page and the diagram were not displayed.

The same application works fine in IE8,IE9,IE10.
Whether GoWeb4.2.0.4 support FireFox19.0.2?
Or Whether we need modifysomething for FireFox19.0.2?

The samples at http://www.godotnetweb.com/ seem to be working with Firefox 19.0.2. They are 5.0 samples, but I don’t recall making any significant changes for Firefox from 4.2 to 5.0.

Can you run the samples on your system?

Refreshing the page problems are typically caused by script in your HTML page.

Thank you, I will keep on checking my script in page to find the issue out.