We currently have been using GoWeb and it has been fairly sufficient for our use, but users are always asking for more real time interaction due to the nature of our application. So I decided to try creating a windows usercontrol library with GoWin GoView as part of the control.
I have been successful in implementing an embedded dll into the webform only when GoView is not part of the control. When I add GoView to the usercontrol and recompile the dlls, the object on the webform does not load. Is there some setting I am missing that is preventing this from working?
Do you mean like the embedded GoView shown on the page that you see when you click on the last link on http://www.godotnetweb.com?
If so, you’ll need to use a different version of the Northwoods.Go.dll that is compiled to run with reduced trust. This is discussed in GoWinIntro.doc. We can send you instructions and a pointer to the ZIP file containing the DLLs. (Sorry, I can’t do that myself right now.)