Dynamically add custom context menu to the nodes

I am using Go JS 1.7 evaluation version for self project. I have a scenario in which I am creating diagram nodes and relationships dynamically, that is, by fetching values from database. I want to show context menu on the node displayed in the diagram as per its Name property. I looked into some samples :

But these samples creates all the HTML menu in the HTML page and then just use show or hide functionality to displaay menu accordingly. In my case there could me 8-10 context menu on one node and hence creating all the menus before hand is not a option for me. Is there a way I can dynamically add context menu to the diagram?
I have tried a simple code:

var cxTool = $scope.myDiagram.toolManager.contextMenuTool;

 cxTool.showContextMenu = function(contextmenu, obj) {
                if(obj.part.data.properties.Name === 'Something'){
                    $scope.myDiagram.contextMenu =
                        $(go.Adornment, "Vertical",
                                $(go.TextBlock, "Change Color for Something"),
                                { click: changeColor }
                } else if(obj.part.data.properties.Name === 'SomethingElse'){
                    $scope.myDiagram.contextMenu =
                        $(go.Adornment, "Vertical",
                                $(go.TextBlock, "Change Color for SomethingElse"),
                                { click: changeColor }

But thus code does not create context menu. Can you please provide some solution for it?

You can use data bindings in your context menus. That is what the basic sample does to display different buttons for different objects, and show different information.

But that still requires me to declare all possible menu before hand, I want to do that when user right click on the node object. May be write some code in “ObjectContextClicked” event. So that I can pass Node name (and any other properties required to fetch data from Database) and create Menu according to returned values.

Actually, I think you had the right idea in your first post, except that you need to modify the first argument, the Adornment that should be shown. Not create a new one and assign it – in that method it’s too late already.

Thanks for the reply, will you be able to provide some code snippet, I did not understand how exactly I can handle it.

Define your object, such as a Node, with a GraphObject.contextMenu that is an empty context menu Adornment:

    myDiagram.nodeTemplate =
      $(go.Node, "Auto",
        { contextMenu: $("ContextMenu") },
        . . .

Then your override of ContextMenuTool.showContextMenu can look at the data and construct the context menu in whatever manner that you like:

      $(go.Diagram, . . .,
          { . . .,
            "contextMenuTool.showContextMenu": function(cm, obj) {
              var data = obj.part.data;

              // first clear out any existing ContextMenuButtons
              while (cm.elements.count > 0) cm.removeAt(0);

              // then add those menu items that you want
              if (data.color.indexOf("i") >= 0) {
                         $(go.TextBlock, "Do Something"),
                         { click: function(e, but) { console.log("doSomething()"); } }));
              if (data.color.indexOf("e") >= 0) {
                         $(go.TextBlock, "Do Something Else"),
                         { click: function(e, but) { console.log("doSomethingElse()"); } }));
              go.ContextMenuTool.prototype.showContextMenu.call(this, cm, obj);
        . . .)