Image diagram quality

I get image data with this code:

var img = myDiagram.makeImage({ size: new go.Size(width, height), scale: 1, padding: 10, type: “image/png”});

But the quality of image is very low.

Is possible increase quality?

It looks compressed. What values did you use for “width” and “height”?

If you just call myDiagram.makeImage(), what results do you get? (I know that the resulting image might not include everything in your document.)

I use these values:

var width = 966;
var height = 1211;
var img = myDiagram.makeImage({ size: new go.Size(width, height), scale: 1, padding: 10, type: “image/png” });

I try to use “myDiagram.makeImage()” but the result is same.

And what is the value of Diagram.documentBounds? How did you come up with those two numbers for width and height?

I hope you have read GoJS Making Images -- Northwoods Software carefully for any clues.

If you go to GoJS Printing -- Northwoods Software in the same browser that you got the bad image above, do the printed images at the end of that page look good?