Add node data asynchronous


i have a problem when i add node data asynchronous. See the video…

When i refresh the site then i have no problem.

I use Angular 2 Component with RxJs.

this.subscription = this.service.nodes$.subscribe(arrData => { let isTA = false; arrData.forEach(d => { var data = MyDiagram.diagram.model.findNodeDataForKey(; if (data === null) { if (isTA === false) { MyDiagram.diagram.model.startTransaction('add'); isTA = true; } MyDiagram.diagram.model.addNodeData(d); } }) if (isTA) { MyDiagram.diagram.model.commitTransaction('add'); }

Thank you for help

Could you please describe what the problem is? I could not tell from reading your post or watching your video.

By the way, in your code, it’s probably wiser to always start a transaction and then commit it afterwards. If there are no new node data objects, you won’t call Model.addNodeData, so the transaction is basically a no-op.

I don’t understand, when the property “initialContentAlignment” applies.
When i create a model and set immediately the nodeDataArray then the contentAlignment works.
But when I add the node with a method addNodeData asynchronous or in a timeout-Function the contentAlignment is not working

const myModel = new go.GraphLinksModel();
myModel.nodeKeyProperty = 'id';

MyDiagram.diagram.model = myModel;
    // devArr.forEach(d => {
    //   var data = MyDiagram.diagram.model.findNodeDataForKey(;
    //   if (data === null) {
    //     MyDiagram.diagram.model.addNodeData(d);
    //   }
    // })

setTimeout(function() {
    devArr.forEach(d => {
      var data = MyDiagram.diagram.model.findNodeDataForKey(;
      if (data === null) {
 }, 2000 );

Diagram.initialContentAlignment only specifies the alignment of the document to the viewport after replacing the Diagram.model.

Diagram.contentAlignment applies the alignment after every transaction.

setTimeout(function() {
    let isTA = false;
    DeviceService.devArr.forEach(d => {
      var data = MyDiagram.diagram.model.findNodeDataForKey(;
      if (data === null) {
        if (isTA === false) {
          isTA = true;
      if (isTA) {
        isTA = false;
 }, 4000 );

// this.devicesSubscription = this.deviceService.devices$.subscribe(devices => {
//   let isTA = false;
//   devices.forEach(d => {
//     var data = MyDiagram.diagram.model.findNodeDataForKey(;
//     if (data === null) {
//       if (isTA === false) {
//         MyDiagram.diagram.startTransaction('add');
//         isTA = true;
//       }
//       MyDiagram.diagram.model.addNodeData(d);
//       console.log('addnodedata (Id: '')');
//     }
//   })
//   if (isTA) {
//     MyDiagram.diagram.commitTransaction('add');
//   }
// })

okay but why i have the effect of expanding in the first sample with the timeout-Function and not in the second function within the subscription. What is the diffrent?

That depends on what was happening when your original code executed. (I’m assuming the data is the same both times.)