Adding Custom Control on a Pallete and GoDiagram

Greetings to all.

I am trying to add a new type of Node to my Pallette and GoDiagram controls and for that I have subclassed the GoControl and creating my own custom control ( lets call it GoPanelControl) based on the WinForms Panel. I then created a custom Node class that derives from GoBoxNode (called GoPanelNode) and uses my control as its body. The control renders correctly and is quite usable however I find that I am unable to do a drag-and-drop of the control unless I pick it up from the underlying GoPanelNode border (I’ve made the border extra thick so I can do just that). Once placed in the diagram the node can be resized but again I cannot drag it or move it at all. I am not sure how to fix this and would appreciate any suggestions.

namespace MyCustomGoStuff
    public enum MyNodeTypes
    public class GoPanelNode : GoBoxNode

        public GoPanelNode()
            Selectable = true;
            Text = "Name";
            Port.IsValidDuplicateLinks = true;
            Port.IsValidSelfNode = false;
            Resizable = true;
            AutoRescales = true;
            ResizesRealtime = true;
            Reshapable = true;
            Width = 56;
            Height = Width;
            IsMidLabel = false;
            Editable = false;
            //making border extra thick so we can somehow select and move the Node
            PortBorderMargin = new SizeF(5, 5);

        protected override GoObject CreateBody()
            return new GoPanelControl();

        public GoPanelControl Control
                return base.Body as GoPanelControl;

        public MyNodeTypes NodeType
            get { return MyNodeTypes.Panel; }

    public class GoPanelControl : Northwoods.Go.GoControl

        public GoPanelControl()
            Size = new System.Drawing.Size(80, 80);
            Selectable = false;           
            DragsNode = false;           

        public override Type ControlType
                return typeof(Panel );

        public Panel _Panel;

        public override GoObject CopyObject(GoCopyDictionary env)
            GoPanelControl c = (GoPanelControl)base.CopyObject(env);
            c._Panel = null;  // don't share Controls!
            return c;

        public override Control CreateControl(GoView view)
            _Panel = new Panel();           
            return _Panel;

Issue was handled via email. Since the Panel grabs mouse events, GoDiagram won’t drag it.
The solution suggested was to create a GoListGroup and add a GoText line as a header above
the Panel. This “header” line is then draggable.

Another option is to set the Control to .Enabled = false, which allows mouse events to bubble up to
the GoView.