Adding two links/arrows for consanguineous marriage on Genogram

I have two questions for genogram.

First, I added a key (cm) in data for married people (containing vir or ux). When this key value is false, the arrow indicating marriage will remain as default. but when this key value is true i want to have two arrows in between.

Second, I added a key for each person in the data (carry). I want this key value to appear normal when false, and to have a black dot in the middle when true.

What should I use or do to add these two features?

Sample data:

       { key: 0, n: "", s: "F", vir: 1, a: [], cm: true, carry: true },
       { key: 1, n: "", s: "M", ux: 0, a: [], cm: true, carry: false},

(I’ll provide an example soon.)

1 Like

I will be waiting, thanks in advance.

Wait – where is this “cm” property defined? What about people with multiple marriages? Should it affect the appearance of all marriages with that person?

Or is the property on the link data?

Multiple marriages are ignored. Only if the marriages are consanguineous marriages, I add a “cm” property next to the “vir” or “ux” properties of those people in the data and set its value to “true”.

And while drawing the diagram and creating the link, I want to query it and if the “cm” property value is “true”, I want it to create two links under each other for this marriage.

You can diff this with the sources of Genogram.

I’ve added an “Edward” person who is married to “Emma”, who are cousins and thus who should have a “cm” flag (just on “Edward”), and who both have the “carry” flag.


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="go.js"></script>
  <script id="code">
    function init() {

      // Since 2.2 you can also author concise templates with method chaining instead of GraphObject.make
      // For details, see
      const $ = go.GraphObject.make;

      myDiagram =
        $(go.Diagram, "myDiagramDiv",
            initialAutoScale: go.Diagram.Uniform,
            "undoManager.isEnabled": true,
            // when a node is selected, draw a big yellow circle behind it
              $(go.Adornment, "Auto",
                { layerName: "Grid" },  // the predefined layer that is behind everything else
                $(go.Shape, "Circle", { fill: "#c1cee3", stroke: null }),
                $(go.Placeholder, { margin: 2 })
            layout:  // use a custom layout, defined below
              $(GenogramLayout, { direction: 90, layerSpacing: 30, columnSpacing: 10 })

      // determine the color for each attribute shape
      function attrFill(a) {
        switch (a) {
          case "A": return "#00af54"; // green
          case "B": return "#f27935"; // orange
          case "C": return "#d4071c"; // red
          case "D": return "#70bdc2"; // cyan
          case "E": return "#fcf384"; // gold
          case "F": return "#e69aaf"; // pink
          case "G": return "#08488f"; // blue
          case "H": return "#866310"; // brown
          case "I": return "#9270c2"; // purple
          case "J": return "#a3cf62"; // chartreuse
          case "K": return "#91a4c2"; // lightgray bluish
          case "L": return "#af70c2"; // magenta
          case "S": return "#d4071c"; // red
          default: return "transparent";

      // determine the geometry for each attribute shape in a male;
      // except for the slash these are all squares at each of the four corners of the overall square
      const tlsq = go.Geometry.parse("F M1 1 l19 0 0 19 -19 0z");
      const trsq = go.Geometry.parse("F M20 1 l19 0 0 19 -19 0z");
      const brsq = go.Geometry.parse("F M20 20 l19 0 0 19 -19 0z");
      const blsq = go.Geometry.parse("F M1 20 l19 0 0 19 -19 0z");
      const slash = go.Geometry.parse("F M38 0 L40 0 40 2 2 40 0 40 0 38z");
      function maleGeometry(a) {
        switch (a) {
          case "A": return tlsq;
          case "B": return tlsq;
          case "C": return tlsq;
          case "D": return trsq;
          case "E": return trsq;
          case "F": return trsq;
          case "G": return brsq;
          case "H": return brsq;
          case "I": return brsq;
          case "J": return blsq;
          case "K": return blsq;
          case "L": return blsq;
          case "S": return slash;
          default: return tlsq;

      // determine the geometry for each attribute shape in a female;
      // except for the slash these are all pie shapes at each of the four quadrants of the overall circle
      const tlarc = go.Geometry.parse("F M20 20 B 180 90 20 20 19 19 z");
      const trarc = go.Geometry.parse("F M20 20 B 270 90 20 20 19 19 z");
      const brarc = go.Geometry.parse("F M20 20 B 0 90 20 20 19 19 z");
      const blarc = go.Geometry.parse("F M20 20 B 90 90 20 20 19 19 z");
      function femaleGeometry(a) {
        switch (a) {
          case "A": return tlarc;
          case "B": return tlarc;
          case "C": return tlarc;
          case "D": return trarc;
          case "E": return trarc;
          case "F": return trarc;
          case "G": return brarc;
          case "H": return brarc;
          case "I": return brarc;
          case "J": return blarc;
          case "K": return blarc;
          case "L": return blarc;
          case "S": return slash;
          default: return tlarc;

      // two different node templates, one for each sex,
      // named by the category value in the node data object
      myDiagram.nodeTemplateMap.add("M",  // male
        $(go.Node, "Vertical",
          { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center, locationObjectName: "ICON", selectionObjectName: "ICON" },
          new go.Binding("opacity", "hide", h => h ? 0 : 1),
          new go.Binding("pickable", "hide", h => !h),
            { name: "ICON" },
            $(go.Shape, "Square",
              { width: 40, height: 40, strokeWidth: 2, fill: "white", stroke: "#919191", portId: "" }),
              { // for each attribute show a Shape at a particular place in the overall square
                      { stroke: null, strokeWidth: 0 },
                      new go.Binding("fill", "", attrFill),
                      new go.Binding("geometry", "", maleGeometry))
                margin: 1
              new go.Binding("itemArray", "a")
            // support "carry" for nodes
            $(go.Shape, "Circle",
              { width: 8, height: 8, position: new go.Point(16.5, 16.5), visible: false },
              new go.Binding("visible", "carry"))
            { textAlign: "center", maxSize: new go.Size(80, NaN), background: "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" },
            new go.Binding("text", "n"))

      myDiagram.nodeTemplateMap.add("F",  // female
        $(go.Node, "Vertical",
          { locationSpot: go.Spot.Center, locationObjectName: "ICON", selectionObjectName: "ICON" },
          new go.Binding("opacity", "hide", h => h ? 0 : 1),
          new go.Binding("pickable", "hide", h => !h),
            { name: "ICON" },
            $(go.Shape, "Circle",
              { width: 40, height: 40, strokeWidth: 2, fill: "white", stroke: "#a1a1a1", portId: "" }),
              { // for each attribute show a Shape at a particular place in the overall circle
                      { stroke: null, strokeWidth: 0 },
                      new go.Binding("fill", "", attrFill),
                      new go.Binding("geometry", "", femaleGeometry))
                margin: 1
              new go.Binding("itemArray", "a")
            // support "carry" for nodes
            $(go.Shape, "Circle",
              { width: 8, height: 8, position: new go.Point(16.5, 16.5), visible: false },
              new go.Binding("visible", "carry"))
            { textAlign: "center", maxSize: new go.Size(80, NaN), background: "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)" },
            new go.Binding("text", "n"))

      // the representation of each label node -- nothing shows on a Marriage Link
        $(go.Node, { selectable: false, width: 1, height: 1, fromEndSegmentLength: 20 }));

      myDiagram.linkTemplate =  // for parent-child relationships
            routing: go.Link.Orthogonal, corner: 5,
            layerName: "Background", selectable: false,
          $(go.Shape, { stroke: "#424242", strokeWidth: 2 })

      myDiagram.linkTemplateMap.add("Marriage",  // for marriage relationships
          { selectable: false, layerName: "Background" },
          // support "cm" on Marriage links
          $(go.Shape, { isPanelMain: true, strokeWidth: 2.5, stroke: "#5d8cc1" /* blue */ },
            new go.Binding("strokeWidth", "cm", cm => cm ? 7 : 2.5)),
          $(go.Shape, { isPanelMain: true, strokeWidth: 2, stroke: "white", visible: false },
            new go.Binding("visible", "cm")),

      // n: name, s: sex, m: mother, f: father, ux: wife, vir: husband, a: attributes/markers
      setupDiagram(myDiagram, [
        { key: 0, n: "Aaron", s: "M", m: -10, f: -11, ux: 1, a: ["C", "F", "K"] },
        { key: 1, n: "Alice", s: "F", m: -12, f: -13, a: ["B", "H", "K"] },
        { key: 2, n: "Bob", s: "M", m: 1, f: 0, ux: 3, a: ["C", "H", "L"] },
        { key: 3, n: "Barbara", s: "F", a: ["C"] },
        { key: 4, n: "Bill", s: "M", m: 1, f: 0, ux: 5, a: ["E", "H"] },
        { key: 5, n: "Brooke", s: "F", a: ["B", "H", "L"] },
        { key: 6, n: "Claire", s: "F", m: 1, f: 0, a: ["C"] },
        { key: 7, n: "Carol", s: "F", m: 1, f: 0, a: ["C", "I"] },
        { key: 8, n: "Chloe", s: "F", m: 1, f: 0, vir: 9, a: ["E"] },
        { key: 9, n: "Chris", s: "M", a: ["B", "H"] },
        { key: 10, n: "Ellie", s: "F", m: 3, f: 2, a: ["E", "G"] },
        { key: 11, n: "Dan", s: "M", m: 3, f: 2, a: ["B", "J"] },
        { key: 12, n: "Elizabeth", s: "F", vir: 13, a: ["J"] },
        { key: 13, n: "David", s: "M", m: 5, f: 4, a: ["B", "H"] },
        { key: 14, n: "Emma", s: "F", m: 5, f: 4, a: ["E", "G"], carry: true },
        { key: 15, n: "Evan", s: "M", m: 8, f: 9, a: ["F", "H"] },
        { key: 16, n: "Ethan", s: "M", m: 8, f: 9, a: ["D", "K"] },
        { key: 17, n: "Eve", s: "F", vir: 16, a: ["B", "F", "L"] },
        { key: 18, n: "Emily", s: "F", m: 8, f: 9 },
        { key: 19, n: "Fred", s: "M", m: 17, f: 16, a: ["B"] },
        { key: 20, n: "Faith", s: "F", m: 17, f: 16, a: ["L"] },
        { key: 21, n: "Felicia", s: "F", m: 12, f: 13, a: ["H"] },
        { key: 22, n: "Frank", s: "M", m: 12, f: 13, a: ["B", "H"] },

        // "Aaron"'s ancestors
        { key: -10, n: "Paternal Grandfather", s: "M", m: -33, f: -32, ux: -11, a: ["A", "S"] },
        { key: -11, n: "Paternal Grandmother", s: "F", a: ["E", "S"] },
        { key: -32, n: "Paternal Great", s: "M", ux: -33, a: ["F", "H", "S"] },
        { key: -33, n: "Paternal Great", s: "F", a: ["S"] },
        { key: -40, n: "Great Uncle", s: "M", m: -33, f: -32, a: ["F", "H", "S"] },
        { key: -41, n: "Great Aunt", s: "F", m: -33, f: -32, a: ["B", "I", "S"] },
        { key: -20, n: "Uncle", s: "M", m: -11, f: -10, a: ["A", "S"] },

        // "Alice"'s ancestors
        { key: -12, n: "Maternal Grandfather", s: "M", ux: -13, a: ["D", "L", "S"] },
        { key: -13, n: "Maternal Grandmother", s: "F", m: -31, f: -30, a: ["H", "S"] },
        { key: -21, n: "Aunt", s: "F", m: -13, f: -12, a: ["C", "I"] },
        { key: -22, n: "Uncle", s: "M", ux: -21 },
        { key: -23, n: "Cousin", s: "M", m: -21, f: -22 },
        { key: -30, n: "Maternal Great", s: "M", ux: -31, a: ["D", "J", "S"] },
        { key: -31, n: "Maternal Great", s: "F", m: -50, f: -51, a: ["B", "H", "L", "S"] },
        { key: -42, n: "Great Uncle", s: "M", m: -30, f: -31, a: ["C", "J", "S"] },
        { key: -43, n: "Great Aunt", s: "F", m: -30, f: -31, a: ["E", "G", "S"] },
        { key: -50, n: "Maternal Great Great", s: "F", vir: -51, a: ["D", "I", "S"] },
        { key: -51, n: "Maternal Great Great", s: "M", a: ["B", "H", "S"] },

        { key: 30, n: "Edward", s: "M", ux: 14, cm: true, m: 3, f: 2, carry: true }
        4 /* focus on this person */);

    // create and initialize the Diagram.model given an array of node data representing people
    function setupDiagram(diagram, array, focusId) {
      diagram.model =
        new go.GraphLinksModel(
          { // declare support for link label nodes
            linkLabelKeysProperty: "labelKeys",
            // this property determines which template is used
            nodeCategoryProperty: "s",
            // if a node data object is copied, copy its data.a Array
            copiesArrays: true,
            // create all of the nodes for people
            nodeDataArray: array

      const node = diagram.findNodeForKey(focusId);
      if (node !== null) {;

    function findMarriage(diagram, a, b) {  // A and B are node keys
      const nodeA = diagram.findNodeForKey(a);
      const nodeB = diagram.findNodeForKey(b);
      if (nodeA !== null && nodeB !== null) {
        const it = nodeA.findLinksBetween(nodeB);  // in either direction
        while ( {
          const link = it.value;
          // === "Marriage" means it's a marriage relationship
          if ( !== null && === "Marriage") return link;
      return null;

    // now process the node data to determine marriages
    function setupMarriages(diagram) {
      const model = diagram.model;
      const nodeDataArray = model.nodeDataArray;
      for (let i = 0; i < nodeDataArray.length; i++) {
        const data = nodeDataArray[i];
        const key = data.key;
        let uxs = data.ux;
        if (uxs !== undefined) {
          if (typeof uxs === "number") uxs = [uxs];
          for (let j = 0; j < uxs.length; j++) {
            const wife = uxs[j];
            const wdata = model.findNodeDataForKey(wife);
            if (key === wife || !wdata || wdata.s !== "F") {
              console.log("cannot create Marriage relationship with self or unknown person " + wife);
            const link = findMarriage(diagram, key, wife);
            if (link === null) {
              // add a label node for the marriage link
              const mlab = { s: "LinkLabel" };
              // add the marriage link itself, also referring to the label node
              const mdata = { from: key, to: wife, labelKeys: [mlab.key], category: "Marriage" };
              if ( || = true;  // copy cm to link data
        let virs = data.vir;
        if (virs !== undefined) {
          if (typeof virs === "number") virs = [virs];
          for (let j = 0; j < virs.length; j++) {
            const husband = virs[j];
            const hdata = model.findNodeDataForKey(husband);
            if (key === husband || !hdata || hdata.s !== "M") {
              console.log("cannot create Marriage relationship with self or unknown person " + husband);
            const link = findMarriage(diagram, key, husband);
            if (link === null) {
              // add a label node for the marriage link
              const mlab = { s: "LinkLabel" };
              // add the marriage link itself, also referring to the label node
              const mdata = { from: key, to: husband, labelKeys: [mlab.key], category: "Marriage" };
              if ( || = true;  // copy cm to link data

    // process parent-child relationships once all marriages are known
    function setupParents(diagram) {
      const model = diagram.model;
      const nodeDataArray = model.nodeDataArray;
      for (let i = 0; i < nodeDataArray.length; i++) {
        const data = nodeDataArray[i];
        const key = data.key;
        const mother = data.m;
        const father = data.f;
        if (mother !== undefined && father !== undefined) {
          const link = findMarriage(diagram, mother, father);
          if (link === null) {
            // or warn no known mother or no known father or no known marriage between them
            console.log("unknown marriage: " + mother + " & " + father);
          const mdata =;
          if (mdata.labelKeys === undefined || mdata.labelKeys[0] === undefined) continue;
          const mlabkey = mdata.labelKeys[0];
          const cdata = { from: mlabkey, to: key };

  // A custom layout that shows the two families related to a person's parents
  class GenogramLayout extends go.LayeredDigraphLayout {
    constructor() {
      this.initializeOption = go.LayeredDigraphLayout.InitDepthFirstIn;
      this.spouseSpacing = 30;  // minimum space between spouses

    makeNetwork(coll) {
      // generate LayoutEdges for each parent-child Link
      const net = this.createNetwork();
      if (coll instanceof go.Diagram) {
        this.add(net, coll.nodes, true);
        this.add(net, coll.links, true);
      } else if (coll instanceof go.Group) {
        this.add(net, coll.memberParts, false);
      } else if (coll.iterator) {
        this.add(net, coll.iterator, false);
      return net;

    // internal method for creating LayeredDigraphNetwork where husband/wife pairs are represented
    // by a single LayeredDigraphVertex corresponding to the label Node on the marriage Link
    add(net, coll, nonmemberonly) {
      const horiz = this.direction == 0.0 || this.direction == 180.0;
      const multiSpousePeople = new go.Set();
      // consider all Nodes in the given collection
      const it = coll.iterator;
      while ( {
        const node = it.value;
        if (!(node instanceof go.Node)) continue;
        if (!node.isLayoutPositioned || !node.isVisible()) continue;
        if (nonmemberonly && node.containingGroup !== null) continue;
        // if it's an unmarried Node, or if it's a Link Label Node, create a LayoutVertex for it
        if (node.isLinkLabel) {
          // get marriage Link
          const link = node.labeledLink;
          const spouseA = link.fromNode;
          const spouseB = link.toNode;
          // create vertex representing both husband and wife
          const vertex = net.addNode(node);
          // now define the vertex size to be big enough to hold both spouses
          if (horiz) {
            vertex.height = spouseA.actualBounds.height + this.spouseSpacing + spouseB.actualBounds.height;
            vertex.width = Math.max(spouseA.actualBounds.width, spouseB.actualBounds.width);
            vertex.focus = new go.Point(vertex.width / 2, spouseA.actualBounds.height + this.spouseSpacing / 2);
          } else {
            vertex.width = spouseA.actualBounds.width + this.spouseSpacing + spouseB.actualBounds.width;
            vertex.height = Math.max(spouseA.actualBounds.height, spouseB.actualBounds.height);
            vertex.focus = new go.Point(spouseA.actualBounds.width + this.spouseSpacing / 2, vertex.height / 2);
        } else {
          // don't add a vertex for any married person!
          // instead, code above adds label node for marriage link
          // assume a marriage Link has a label Node
          let marriages = 0;
          node.linksConnected.each(l => {
            if (l.isLabeledLink) marriages++;
          if (marriages === 0) {
          } else if (marriages > 1) {
      // now do all Links
      while ( {
        const link = it.value;
        if (!(link instanceof go.Link)) continue;
        if (!link.isLayoutPositioned || !link.isVisible()) continue;
        if (nonmemberonly && link.containingGroup !== null) continue;
        // if it's a parent-child link, add a LayoutEdge for it
        if (!link.isLabeledLink) {
          const parent = net.findVertex(link.fromNode);  // should be a label node
          const child = net.findVertex(link.toNode);
          if (child !== null) {  // an unmarried child
            net.linkVertexes(parent, child, link);
          } else {  // a married child
            link.toNode.linksConnected.each(l => {
              if (!l.isLabeledLink) return;  // if it has no label node, it's a parent-child link
              // found the Marriage Link, now get its label Node
              const mlab = l.labelNodes.first();
              // parent-child link should connect with the label node,
              // so the LayoutEdge should connect with the LayoutVertex representing the label node
              const mlabvert = net.findVertex(mlab);
              if (mlabvert !== null) {
                net.linkVertexes(parent, mlabvert, link);

      while (multiSpousePeople.count > 0) {
        // find all collections of people that are indirectly married to each other
        const node = multiSpousePeople.first();
        const cohort = new go.Set();
        this.extendCohort(cohort, node);
        // then encourage them all to be the same generation by connecting them all with a common vertex
        const dummyvert = net.createVertex();
        const marriages = new go.Set();
        cohort.each(n => {
          n.linksConnected.each(l => {
        marriages.each(link => {
          // find the vertex for the marriage link (i.e. for the label node)
          const mlab = link.labelNodes.first()
          const v = net.findVertex(mlab);
          if (v !== null) {
            net.linkVertexes(dummyvert, v, null);
        // done with these people, now see if there are any other multiple-married people

    // collect all of the people indirectly married with a person
    extendCohort(coll, node) {
      if (coll.has(node)) return;
      node.linksConnected.each(l => {
        if (l.isLabeledLink) {  // if it's a marriage link, continue with both spouses
          this.extendCohort(coll, l.fromNode);
          this.extendCohort(coll, l.toNode);

    assignLayers() {
      const horiz = this.direction == 0.0 || this.direction == 180.0;
      // for every vertex, record the maximum vertex width or height for the vertex's layer
      const maxsizes = []; => {
        const lay = v.layer;
        let max = maxsizes[lay];
        if (max === undefined) max = 0;
        const sz = (horiz ? v.width : v.height);
        if (sz > max) maxsizes[lay] = sz;
      // now make sure every vertex has the maximum width or height according to which layer it is in,
      // and aligned on the left (if horizontal) or the top (if vertical) => {
        const lay = v.layer;
        const max = maxsizes[lay];
        if (horiz) {
          v.focus = new go.Point(0, v.height / 2);
          v.width = max;
        } else {
          v.focus = new go.Point(v.width / 2, 0);
          v.height = max;
      // from now on, the LayeredDigraphLayout will think that the Node is bigger than it really is
      // (other than the ones that are the widest or tallest in their respective layer).

    commitNodes() {
      const horiz = this.direction == 0.0 || this.direction == 180.0;
      // position the spouses of each marriage vertex => {
        if (v.node === null) return;
        if (!v.node.isLinkLabel) return;
        const labnode = v.node;
        const lablink = labnode.labeledLink;
        // In case the spouses are not actually moved, we need to have the marriage link
        // position the label node, because LayoutVertex.commit() was called above on these vertexes.
        // Alternatively we could override LayoutVetex.commit to be a no-op for label node vertexes.
        let spouseA = lablink.fromNode;
        let spouseB = lablink.toNode;
        if (spouseA.opacity > 0 && spouseB.opacity > 0) {
          // prefer fathers on the left, mothers on the right
          if ( === "F") {  // sex is female
            const temp = spouseA;
            spouseA = spouseB;
            spouseB = temp;
          // see if the parents are on the desired sides, to avoid a link crossing
          const aParentsNode = this.findParentsMarriageLabelNode(spouseA);
          const bParentsNode = this.findParentsMarriageLabelNode(spouseB);
          if (aParentsNode !== null && bParentsNode !== null &&
                ? aParentsNode.position.x > bParentsNode.position.x
                : aParentsNode.position.y > bParentsNode.position.y)) {
            // swap the spouses
            const temp = spouseA;
            spouseA = spouseB;
            spouseB = temp;
          spouseA.moveTo(v.x, v.y);
          if (horiz) {
            spouseB.moveTo(v.x, v.y + spouseA.actualBounds.height + this.spouseSpacing);
          } else {
            spouseB.moveTo(v.x + spouseA.actualBounds.width + this.spouseSpacing, v.y);
        } else if (spouseA.opacity === 0) {
          const pos = horiz
            ? new go.Point(v.x, v.centerY - spouseB.actualBounds.height / 2)
            : new go.Point(v.centerX - spouseB.actualBounds.width / 2, v.y);
          if (horiz) pos.y++; else pos.x++;
        } else if (spouseB.opacity === 0) {
          const pos = horiz
            ? new go.Point(v.x, v.centerY - spouseA.actualBounds.height / 2)
            : new go.Point(v.centerX - spouseA.actualBounds.width / 2, v.y);
          if (horiz) pos.y++; else pos.x++;
      // position only-child nodes to be under the marriage label node => {
        if (v.node === null || v.node.linksConnected.count > 1) return;
        const mnode = this.findParentsMarriageLabelNode(v.node);
        if (mnode !== null && mnode.linksConnected.count === 1) {  // if only one child
          const mvert =;
          const newbnds = v.node.actualBounds.copy();
          if (horiz) {
            newbnds.y = mvert.centerY - v.node.actualBounds.height / 2;
          } else {
            newbnds.x = mvert.centerX - v.node.actualBounds.width / 2;
          // see if there's any empty space at the horizontal mid-point in that layer
          const overlaps = this.diagram.findObjectsIn(newbnds, x => x.part, p => p !== v.node, true);
          if (overlaps.count === 0) {

    findParentsMarriageLabelNode(node) {
      const it = node.findNodesInto();
      while ( {
        const n = it.value;
        if (n.isLinkLabel) return n;
      return null;
  // end GenogramLayout class

    window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);

<div id="sample">
  <div id="myDiagramDiv" style="background-color: #F8F8F8; border: solid 1px black; width:100%; height:600px;"></div>
  <p>A <em>genogram</em> or <em>pedigree chart</em> is an extended family tree diagram that displays information about each person or each relationship.</p>
    Note that the term "marriage" here does not refer to a legal or cultural kind of relationship,
    but simply one representing the female and male genetic sources for any children.
    There are functions that convert an attribute value into a brush color or Shape geometry,
    to be added to the Node representing the person.
    A custom <a>LayeredDigraphLayout</a> does the layout, assuming there is a central person whose mother and father
    each have their own ancestors.  In this case we focus on "Bill", but any of the children of "Alice" and "Aaron" would work.
    The overridden <b>add</b> function allows husband/wife pairs to be represented by a single <a>LayeredDigraphVertex</a>.
  <p>For a simpler family tree, see the <a href="familyTree.html">family tree sample</a>.</p>
    The node data representing the people, processed by the <code>setupDiagram</code> function is below.
    The properties are:
      <li><b>key</b>, the unique ID of the person</li>
      <li><b>n</b>, the person's name</li>
      <li><b>s</b>, the person's sex</li>
      <li><b>m</b>, the person's mother's key</li>
      <li><b>f</b>, the person's father's key</li>
      <li><b>ux</b>, the person's wife</li>
      <li><b>vir</b>, the person's husband</li>
      <li><b>a</b>, an Array of the attributes or markers that the person has</li>
  <pre id="peopleData">
  { key: 0, n: "Aaron", s: "M", m: -10, f: -11, ux: 1, a: ["C", "F", "K"] },
  { key: 1, n: "Alice", s: "F", m: -12, f: -13, a: ["B", "H", "K"] },
  { key: 2, n: "Bob", s: "M", m: 1, f: 0, ux: 3, a: ["C", "H", "L"] },
  { key: 3, n: "Barbara", s: "F", a: ["C"] },
  { key: 4, n: "Bill", s: "M", m: 1, f: 0, ux: 5, a: ["E", "H"] },
  { key: 5, n: "Brooke", s: "F", a: ["B", "H", "L"] },
  { key: 6, n: "Claire", s: "F", m: 1, f: 0, a: ["C"] },
  { key: 7, n: "Carol", s: "F", m: 1, f: 0, a: ["C", "I"] },
  { key: 8, n: "Chloe", s: "F", m: 1, f: 0, vir: 9, a: ["E"] },
  { key: 9, n: "Chris", s: "M", a: ["B", "H"] },
  { key: 10, n: "Ellie", s: "F", m: 3, f: 2, a: ["E", "G"] },
  { key: 11, n: "Dan", s: "M", m: 3, f: 2, a: ["B", "J"] },
  { key: 12, n: "Elizabeth", s: "F", vir: 13, a: ["J"] },
  { key: 13, n: "David", s: "M", m: 5, f: 4, a: ["B", "H"] },
  { key: 14, n: "Emma", s: "F", m: 5, f: 4, a: ["E", "G"], carry: true },
  { key: 15, n: "Evan", s: "M", m: 8, f: 9, a: ["F", "H"] },
  { key: 16, n: "Ethan", s: "M", m: 8, f: 9, a: ["D", "K"] },
  { key: 17, n: "Eve", s: "F", vir: 16, a: ["B", "F", "L"] },
  { key: 18, n: "Emily", s: "F", m: 8, f: 9 },
  { key: 19, n: "Fred", s: "M", m: 17, f: 16, a: ["B"] },
  { key: 20, n: "Faith", s: "F", m: 17, f: 16, a: ["L"] },
  { key: 21, n: "Felicia", s: "F", m: 12, f: 13, a: ["H"] },
  { key: 22, n: "Frank", s: "M", m: 12, f: 13, a: ["B", "H"] },

  // "Aaron"'s ancestors
  { key: -10, n: "Paternal Grandfather", s: "M", m: -33, f: -32, ux: -11, a: ["A", "S"] },
  { key: -11, n: "Paternal Grandmother", s: "F", a: ["E", "S"] },
  { key: -32, n: "Paternal Great", s: "M", ux: -33, a: ["F", "H", "S"] },
  { key: -33, n: "Paternal Great", s: "F", a: ["S"] },
  { key: -40, n: "Great Uncle", s: "M", m: -33, f: -32, a: ["F", "H", "S"] },
  { key: -41, n: "Great Aunt", s: "F", m: -33, f: -32, a: ["B", "I", "S"] },
  { key: -20, n: "Uncle", s: "M", m: -11, f: -10, a: ["A", "S"] },

  // "Alice"'s ancestors
  { key: -12, n: "Maternal Grandfather", s: "M", ux: -13, a: ["D", "L", "S"] },
  { key: -13, n: "Maternal Grandmother", s: "F", m: -31, f: -30, a: ["H", "S"] },
  { key: -21, n: "Aunt", s: "F", m: -13, f: -12, a: ["C", "I"] },
  { key: -22, n: "Uncle", s: "M", ux: -21 },
  { key: -23, n: "Cousin", s: "M", m: -21, f: -22 },
  { key: -30, n: "Maternal Great", s: "M", ux: -31, a: ["D", "J", "S"] },
  { key: -31, n: "Maternal Great", s: "F", m: -50, f: -51, a: ["B", "H", "L", "S"] },
  { key: -42, n: "Great Uncle", s: "M", m: -30, f: -31, a: ["C", "J", "S"] },
  { key: -43, n: "Great Aunt", s: "F", m: -30, f: -31, a: ["E", "G", "S"] },
  { key: -50, n: "Maternal Great Great", s: "F", vir: -51, a: ["D", "I", "S"] },
  { key: -51, n: "Maternal Great Great", s: "M", a: ["B", "H", "S"] },

  { key: 30, n: "Edward", s: "M", ux: 14, cm: true, m: 3, f: 2, carry: true }
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Thanks Walter.