Adornment for link arrow

I defined a link template (see code below) causing links to appear as a thin blue line and have an arrowhead.
I defined a link selection adornment (see code below) so that when a link is selected, it appears as a thick line in yellow

Unfortunately its arrowhead doesn’t change.
I would like to the arrowhead to also become yellow and bigger.
How can I achieve this.

/// link template
            sharedLinkTemplate = new Link
                Selectable = true,
                ToolTip = tooltipTemplateFlow,
                  new Binding("Routing", "LinkType", (lt) => defaultRouting((LinkType)lt)),
                  new Binding("FromSpot", "LinkType", (lt) => defaultFromSpot((LinkType)lt)),
                  new Binding("ToSpot", "LinkType", (lt) => defaultToSpot((LinkType)lt))
                new Shape
                    StrokeWidth = 2,
                    Stroke = "white",
                    StrokeDashArray = dashArrayNormal
                  new Binding("Stroke", "LinkType", (lt) => defaultLinkColor((LinkType)lt)),
                  new Binding("StrokeDashArray", "LinkType", (lt) => defaultLinkStrokeDashArray((LinkType)lt))
                  new Shape
                      StrokeWidth = 2,
                      ToArrow = "Standard",
                      Stroke = "white",
                      Fill = "white"
                  new Binding("Stroke", "LinkType", (lt) => defaultLinkColor((LinkType)lt)),
                  new Binding("Fill", "LinkType", (lt) => defaultLinkColor((LinkType)lt))

/// selection adornment
            // create the default Link Adornment for selection
            var selad = new Adornment
                Type = PanelLayoutLink.Instance
            var seladhandle = new Shape
                IsPanelMain = true,
                Fill = null,
                ToolTip = tooltipTemplateFlow,
                Stroke = "yellow",
                StrokeWidth = 5
            diagram.LinkSelectionAdornmentTemplate = selad;

You’ll want to include the arrowhead on your link selection adornment:

diagram.LinkSelectionAdornmentTemplate = new Adornment()
      new Shape {
        IsPanelMain = true, Stroke = "yellow", StrokeWidth = 5
      new Shape {
        ToArrow = "Standard", StrokeWidth = 2, Fill = "yellow", Stroke = "yellow", Scale = 2
    );  // end Adornment

I’d also recommend setting your Link.ToShortLength = 5 so that both sizes of arrowhead look good.