Alternative to `rebuildParts` for just recalling the method bindings

Is there a way that I can make the diagram rerun all the binding methods (for nodes and links), like this one:

new Binding('', '', (data, obj) => {
    obj.visible = (filteredModel.nodes.indexOf(data.key) >= 0);

I’m currently using diagram.rebuildParts, but that seems to be inefficient (and I have a large set of data), as the documentation states.

PS: This is just one of the bindings. I have multiple other bindings which set line thickness, color etc

It is generally a bad idea to use the empty string as a target property. You could rewrite that binding as:

new Binding('visible', '', data => filteredModel.nodes.indexOf(data.key) >= 0)

And as the documentation points out it is inefficient to use the empty string as a source property, although sometimes it is unavoidable. It is particularly inefficient that your binding is calling Array.indexOf so frequently.

The literal answer to your question is to call Diagram | GoJS API. But…

But, it would be better not to use a Binding for this at all, as well as not calling rebuildParts. Instead, only when the value of filteredModel.nodes has changed, then within a single transaction I would create a Set of those filtered keys and then iterate over all of the Diagram.nodes and set each Node.visible to whether the Node.key is contained in that Set.

// if filteredModel.nodes has changed:
myDiagram.commit(function(diag) {
  var filteredKeys = new go.Set(filteredModel.nodes);
  diag.nodes.each(function(n) { n.visible = filteredKeys.has(n.key); });
}, "updated filter");