Anmation of node-movements

Is it possible to show the movement of nodes, if changing their positions?
If yes, can you give me a hint how to do that?
Is it also possible, when using auto-layout?
Thanx for answers

Sure – you can do this animation by setting node positions in a Timer. You’ll need to decide how many steps to show and how frequently the timer event should happen. In each timer event you can position the node by linear interpolation between the start point and the end point.
Regarding autolayout – it depends on which kind of layout you are using. For force-directed autolayout, you might want to look at the InteractiveForce sample, new for 2.5.
For the layered-digraph and tree layouts, you’ll need to override LayoutNodesAndLinks to do this animation before the standard implementation of that method executes. That will require calling Control.