Background zooming fisheye tool

It is possible to zooming the background with the fisheye tool

Sure. In the FishEyeZoomTool, just replace

  GoCollection area = new GoCollection();
  this.View.Document.PickObjectsInRectangle(areaRect, GoPickInRectangleStyle.AnyIntersectsBounds, area, 99999);
  Bitmap zoomBitmap = this.View.GetBitmapFromCollection(area, zoomrect, myZoomScale, true);

in DoMouseMove with

  GoCollection area = new GoCollection();
  this.View.Document.PickObjectsInRectangle(areaRect, GoPickInRectangleStyle.AnyIntersectsBounds, area, 99999);
  if (this.View.Grid != null) area.Add(this.View.Grid);
  Bitmap zoomBitmap = this.View.GetBitmapFromCollection(area, zoomrect, myZoomScale, true);

sorry, i have a background image in my view with some goobjects in it ,i expect to zooming both with the fisheye tool, i replace the old code with the new one and i don’t any change.


Do the same area.Add with your background objects.