- Is GoDiagram10x is compatible with GoDiagram6.x in respect to all the API’s or it’s expected to require code changes? We are using GoDiagram6.1 and when I try to convert it to GoDiagram10, it gives lots of errors.
- We are targeting .net6.00-windows, what is the recommended GoDiagram version for that?
- GoDiagram 10 is a complete rewrite of GoDiagram and is not backward compatible. It is based on the GoJS API and many years of experience with diagramming libraries.
- GoDiagram 10 for WinForms would be the best option for .net6.0-windows. It will be supported going forward, where GoDiagram 6 will eventually be phased out.
If you need help designing templates in GoDiagram 10, we’re happy to provide assistance.